
earth_element_large.jpg 原來Lailah小美人是為了這篇故事才上場的啊~

小美人~~ 話說主角會不會太爽了= =+

不過, 這篇在進度上應該是比冰元素早才對,現在翻的順序都被我搞亂啦~
誰叫我翻譯是看心情滴= =+


詳細圖解看這篇→ Castle age 黑畫面解除 圖解  



Genesis continues to march towards Illvasa. If he gets any closer, it will knock down the base of the plateau and the city will come crashing down. Now is the time for you and your army to make a stand! Most of your army seems decimated. Is there any possible way to take down Genesis? 

earth_weapon_2.jpg Celesta:大部分的元素都包含一個靈魂之石,含有元素精華及魔力用來賦予他們生命,一定就藏在某處。
Celesta: "Most elementals contain a soul stone, which contain the elemental essence and magicks that give them life. It must be somewhere." 

你: 等等,我記得有個精靈弓手的某一發箭,擊中大地元素的背部時巨人發出痛苦的咆嘯,想必靈魂之石一定靠近那個地方,要對準那邊攻擊。我想試著靠近那個地方,擊破那玩意兒是我們唯一的希望。
You: "Wait! I remember when one of the elven archers shot an arrow that hit the Earth Elemental in the back. It bellowed in pain. It must be close to there. I must give it a shot. I will make my way up there. It's our only hope of stopping this thing." 

Celesta 和一位天使開始討論。
Celesta motions to one of the angels. 
Celesta: Lailah 會帶你到大地元素的背上,從那裡起就靠你去阻止巨人摧毀Illvasa了。
Celesta: "Lailah will take you up to the elemental's back. From there it's up to you stop it before it destroys Illvasa." 
Lailah 勾起你的手,伸展她的天使之翼帶著你朝天空翱翔。景色看來如此壯麗但是你必需集中精神,一定要擊倒創世巨人不然就毀了。 Lailah 飛到創世巨人身後,接著靠近他的背部。
Lailah hooks her arms under yours and with a great flap of her angelic wings, you take to the skies. The scene is exhilarating but you must keep focus. You must take out Genesis before it's too late. Lailah swoops far behind Genesis and approaches it, aiming for the back. 
Lailah: 我會在那叢樹那裡放你下來,真是抱歉,我擔心再更靠近會引起怪物注意把我們都擊落。
Lailah: "I will drop you off there in that thicket of trees. I apologize I cannot get you closer for I fear the monster will take us both out." 
你: 你做的夠多了。我會盡我全力的!
You: "You have done enough. I will do my best!" 
gift_earth_complete.jpg Lailah 往樹叢降下。就在你的腳幾乎就要擦到樹的瞬間Lailah放手了。你的落地稱不上完美,一路撞斷了許多樹枝。
你感覺到腳下的土地隨著創世巨人逼往Liivasa腳步發出隆隆的鳴聲。你體悟到腳下是踩著個活生生的生命體,你看見Illvasa在眼前。你必需要快! 你開始在樹林中穿梭尋找任何像是靈魂之石的記號。突然你用眼角的餘光發現有一抹微光。一定就是這個!

那個區域被無數荊棘硬刺包圍,即使用你的利劍揮砍也要花上好一番功夫。接著你找到了!! 一個鼓動著的巨型綠色球體。 這一定是靈魂之石。 你用雙手緊抓著劍柄,劍刃一推將球體一刀兩斷。
Lailah dives towards the thicket of trees. Your feet barely grazes the trees. All of a sudden, Lailah lets go. The landing is a bit rough as you crash through a number of tree branches. You feel the earth beneath your feet rumble as Genesis continues to march along towards Illvasa. You realize that you are traversing your way on top of a living being. You see Illvasa in the distance. You must hurry! You make your way through the forest looking for any signs of the soul stone. Then out of the corner of your eye, you see a glimmer of light. That must be it! The area is surrounded by brambles and thorns. Even your mighty sword has a tough time cutting through. Then you see it! A large pulsating green orb. That must be the soul stone. You grip the hilt of your sword with both hands and thrust the blade through the orb. 

GENESIS: 你.............你做了什麼!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

創世巨人發出數里之外都能聽見的轟然巨吼。你腳下的土地開始猛烈震動崩潰,你知道自己該快點閃人但是往哪閃? 你很難保持平衡但還是努力的往附近一個小山尖移動。你打算走高一點找找有沒有出路。裂縫不斷擴大,看來不要多久所有的東西都會崩壞而你也會跟著被吞沒在這些巨大的裂縫中。 不過最少你是保住了Illvasa城。才正這麼想著時,身體突然驣了空,原來Lailah來救人了。
Genesis lets out a tremendous roar which can be heard for miles on end. The earth beneath your feet begins to shake violently and crumble. Then you realize you must get out of here but how? You struggle to gain your balance but you make your way towards a mountain peak a short distance away. You are hoping the high ground will provide you a way out. Huge fissures begin open up. It seems like it's only a matter of time before everything crumbles and you will get swallowed by the huge fissures. At least you have saved the city of Illvasa. Then all of sudden you feel yourself being lifted up. It's Lailah to the rescue! 

Lailah: 恭喜你啊, 勇士,你拯救了大家。再來我會確保我們都能安全的回到Illvasa。
Lailah: "Congratulations warrior. You have saved us. Rest now. I will ensure we get back to Illvasa safely." 
You take a deep breath. Now that the threat is over you have a chance to appreciate the breathtaking views from the skies. It's a glorious sunset.


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