water_large.jpg 又出新王囉!

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The air around you is so cold, it makes it hard to breathe. Ragnarok continues its onslaught on your army. Ragnarok seems determined to protect Icepeake. What is making it so difficult to defeat Ragnarok is its thick glacial armor. It seems your weapons have little or no effect. Broken arrows and bent swords are strewn across the battlefield. Most of the army is stricken with severe frostbite. There must be a way to take down the glacial armor and find the elemental monster's soul stone.

你: 一定有什麼辨法可以缷下冰川之甲,Celesta, 可以請你使用火球咒文集中在諸神之終結上嗎?
You: "There must be a way to take down that glacial armor. Celesta would it be possible to concentrate your fire-based spells on Ragnarok?"

hero_celesta.jpg Celesta: 我會盡力一試,雖然咒文強度應足以影響諸神之終結,但如果能召喚出更強的火鳯凰,我可以在魔法生物的體內做出火元素通道,放大咒文的功效。

Celesta: "I can do my best but I doubt my spells by itself will be powerful enough to affect Ragnarok. However, if you can summon a greater phoenix, I may be able to channel the fire element within the magical creature and amplify the effect of my spell."

你: 看來十分值得一試。You: "It seems like its worth a try."

更為強大的鳯凰出現了!! 這巨大的生物揮動著翅膀,翼展長度相當於六個成年男人的身高,鳯凰鳴聲高亢,召喚出如此強力而巨大的魔法生物實在是了不起的成就。
You close your eyes and do your best to block out the chilling wind blowing against your face. You focus in on the image of your greater phoenix. You call out to the phoenix from within your mind and try to form a connection between yourself and the magical creature. In an instant, a glowing warmth appears around you, instantly dispelling the cold atmosphere. The greater phoenix has appeared! The massive creature spreads its wings, which are about the length of six grown adult men, and lets out a great cry. It is quite a site to behold such a large and powerful magical creature.

death_weapon_5.jpg 你: 謝謝你為我而來,朋友。 請把你的力量借我,讓我能打敗這個元素生物。
You: "Thank you for coming my friend. Please lend me you power to help me defeat this elemental."

The greater phoenix squawks in agreement and lowers its head close to the ground. Celesta nods her head to affirm. She lightly places her hand on the phoenix's head and begins to whisper a magical incantation. You can feel the air around you get warmer and warmer. You would think that it would start to burn but it is a comforting and inviting sense of warmth. In a bright flash of light, the greater phoenix disappears. A wisp of smoke and the smell of sulfur remains in the air. A tiny phoenix the size of a large common cat flaps its wings in the place where the majestic phoenix was just moments ago. You turn your vision towards Celesta and see a burning energy emanating from her eyes. You step back and brace yourself.

Celesta again begins to murmur a magical incantation, and in an instant, a searing fireball leaves her hands and flies towards Ragnarok. The fireball hits Ragnarok square in the chest and the elemental roars in great pain and anguish. From the point of impact there is a large crater within its glacial armor. From that crater you can see large fissures open up. It seems like multiple avalanches are starting all over Ragnarok's body. The elemental continues to roar in pain. Sheets of ice start to fall towards the ground from the elemental's body and your men run for cover to avoid being crushed by the massive bodies of ice.

water_weapon_3.jpg 就在那兒! 你找到了!  元素的靈魂就在他前額。不過看來時間不多,冰川之甲似乎正在回復原狀,你從身邊的士兵身上抓起一把弓開始瞄準, Celesta 並起手指弓馬上就爆出火焰,你調整呼吸的頻率把弓拉滿,一箭飛去!! 火箭劃破冰冷的空氣。命中元素的靈魂之石!! 
There it is! You see it! The elemental's soul stone is located on its forehead. However, there does not seem to be much time. It seems like the glacial armor is starting to reform. You grab a bow and arrow from your closest soldier and take aim. Celesta snaps her fingers and the arrow becomes lit with a flame. You steady your breath and pull the arrow back. You let it fly! The arrows cuts through the cold air. A direct hit to the elemental's soul stone!

Ragnarok unleashes a deafening roar. Sheets of ice begin to fall into the frigid ocean waters below. Ragnarok begins to sink into the watery depths and in an instant Ragnarok is gone.

upgrade_phoenix.gif 你發出深深的嘆息,看著呼出的氣變成小小的雲。突然覺得肩上輕輕的有些重量。是復活了的鳯凰,雖然變成比較小的形態。牠發出啁啁聲,而你咧開嘴回報一個微笑。
You let out a deep sigh and you see your breath condense into a small cloud. You suddenly feel a small weight on your shoulder. Its the reincarnated phoenix, now in its smaller form. It lets out a small chirp and you crack with a small smile in return.






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