這次新世界戰 ─ 黑暗軍團之役 Battle of the Dark Legion
1. 入場先用EN修城,高城防可以增加修城和攻擊的效率
2. 攻擊力小,粉紅字不及被反攻的黑字時,用EN修城就好,修城也計分,總分是看獸人擊殺數
3. STA小於15時,5STA會消失,所以千萬不要攻擊,不然打沒多少被反擊很痛
4. 每階段的地圖武器都要記得幫忙發動
The orcs are breaching the eastern wall! Your dwarven allies are doing their best to fortify the wall but you can see they are being overwhelmed. If they do not receive help, the wall will be breached and the castle will eventually fall!
半獸人正在進攻東牆! 你的矮人同盟雖然用盡全力修城,但你也看得出來他們快要力竭了。再沒有支援的話,城牆會被擊破而城堡也會就此陷落!!
You take a small group of paladins and head towards the eastern wall. As you make your way up the ladder and run past the archers, you can feel the heat from the archers flame arrows as they are fired towards the orc invaders.
你領著一小隊士兵前往東城牆。 當你踩著往上的階梯穿過箭手們身旁時,你能感覺火箭上的熱氣正如他們的怒火般射向半獸人侵略者。
You arrive at the eastern wall just in time with the group of paladins. Your blade cuts through multiple orcs. Your paladin allies are just as quick to take care of their opponents. However, the orc invaders continue to pour in through the damaged eastern rampart. The paladins are doing their best to heal the wounded dwarves and fight off the orcs at the same time but it will be only a matter of time before the orcs make it through. You must make the tough decision to retreat from the eastern wall. Your only hope is to regroup with your other allies and hold out as long as you can.
你和小隊及時趕到東牆,你的刀砍過無數半獸人,你的同伴也同樣快速料理掉他們的對手。然而獸人大軍仍如潮水般從破損了的東牆入侵,你的戰士們用盡全力,一邊搶救受傷的矮人同盟一邊對抗半戰人,但是半獸人遲早會把牆攻破。 你困難的做下了先從東牆撤退的決定,只希望能重新召集軍隊讓城能多撐久一點。
Some Elven Blades appear by your side and buy you some time to escape. As they fight off the orcs, you have the paladins take the wounded dwarves and retreat towards the castle courtyard. There you can regroup with the other knights and make a final stand. Even if the outcome seems bleak, you will do your best to take down as many orcs as you can.
你藉由一些精靈的掩護,找到脫離的空檔。 你帶著戰士保護受傷的矮人撤到中庭。到了中庭你就能召集其他騎士發動最後一波總攻。緃使是希望渺茫,你也要拼上全力,能殺多少是多少。
The path towards the castle courtyard is littered with the bodies of both defeated allies and enemies. Yet, you do not have a moment to think about the deceased as you must do your best to remain alive. The knights are already in the courtyard. They have set up a barricade using whatever was available. This is it. This will be the place of your final stand. As all the able-bodied army members prepare themselves for battle, you take a glance towards the eastern sky. You can see the sun start to peak through. What seems to be your final sunrise, also seems to be the most beautiful you have ever seen. Before you have another moment to appreciate the sunrise, you can hear the orcs coming.
They are closing in on your position! The makeshift barricade serves its purpose and it limits the number of attackers that can reach you. You fell multiple orcs with your efficient strikes but there is no end in sight. You can see your allies around you do their best to fight off the orcs. The dwarven battlemasters wave their heavy axes around as if they were light as a feather. The archers efficiently pull their bowstrings taut and let the arrows fly with pinpoint accuracy towards their foes.
他們往你的位置逼近! 臨時設置的路障達了目的,限制敵人的進攻,減少你們被攻擊的機會。你用有效率的強擊打倒了無數半獸人,但是目力所及遍是半獸人的身影。你看到四週的同伴奮力和半獸人對抗,矮人的戰鬥大師彷彿感覺不到重量般的四處揮舞著他們沉重的斧頭。弓箭手將弓俐落的拉滿,激射而出的飛箭分毫不差的插進他們的仇敵。
The elven blades gracefully and efficiently dispatch the orcs with their swords. The knights courageously fight with all their might. The noble paladins whose quiet demeanor belie their skill in battle dispatch orcs swiftly. However, without help, you realize this will be the end. The Horde of orcs continue to pour into the courtyard. You find yourself surrounded by a trio of orcs. This might be your last moment...
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes one of the orcs. It's Celesta! And she has brought reinforcements! Strider! Dragan! Sano! Elizabeth! Dante! They have come to the rescue. You and your allies are invigorated by the reinforcements! With renewed strength, you cut through several more orcs. The other heroes are helping to push back the orcs! The orcs see that their comrades are falling easily. They are scared to approach you and your army!
突然,一道光箭打倒其中一個半獸人,Celesta帶著後援來了!! Strider! Dragan! Sano! Elizabeth! Dante! 他們都來救援了。你和全軍都為後援的出現而精神大振,你重拾力量一口氣砍倒數個半獸人,其他的英雄也幫忙壓制了半獸人! 半獸人看到他們的領隊輕易被打倒,嚇得不敢接近你和你的軍隊!
你:衝啊!! 趕他們回半獸人的鬼地方!
As orc after orc is dispatched, the bloodlust of the Horde disappears and is replaced with fear. They are retreating! You have won!
半獸人一個接著一個,嗜血的瘋狂消失了,取而帶之的是恐懼,他們撤退了! 你贏了!
The allies around you cheer. Humans, dwarves, and elves alike celebrate together. This should be a moment to be proud of. But there is something nagging you...where did this Horde come from?
Celesta: What is wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost. You should be celebrating this victory.
Celesta: 怎麼了? 你表情像見鬼了。你應該是要為勝利而喜悅才是。
You: Oh nothing. I am just exhausted. I am glad to see you and you came just in the nick of time!
你: 喔, 沒什麼。我只是有點累了。我很高興你們及時趕上了!
有翻錯記得和我講一聲啊,我英文也滿爛滴 XD
特別感謝語軒做了一些翻譯修正 XD
(有一張圖不見是因為我對左下角的女英雄很有意見... ~"~)
做了一些改造,順眼多了 XD