Bahamut, the Volcanic Dragon 火山之龍, 巴哈姆特
劇情有夠長的,翻到我手都痛了= =+
因為暗月是不專業翻譯,有錯務必要告訴我啊~~ 這次主角好像有帥一點啦!! 不過還是一樣靠Celesta才打的過....
和後來的新王一樣都要要補師補血,但是參戰前要先分職業,四種職業: 戰士、俠盜、賢者、聖職
在攻擊過程中會有不同的攻擊按鈕,而且王還會回血= =+
戰士: 攻擊/增強 : 同時增加血量及最大回血上限
俠盜: 攻擊/混亂 : 在特定時間才能使用, 累積藍條後可以有攻擊加乘,若隊伍中無或發動失敗,龍王會回血 囧
賢者: 攻擊/障壁 : 在特定時間才能使用, 累積藍條後可以有攻擊加乘,若隊伍中無或發動失敗,龍王會突然把血量狠咬掉 囧
聖職: 攻擊/補血 : 補比較多,但是常因戰士沒花EN所以上限不夠補
所以... 沒時間看著的人就選戰士或聖職比較好= =+
上層的氣流迴轉夾帶藍、紫、灰色的雲層混合成巨大的氣漩。 空氣中充滿讓人自背脊發寒的黑暗能量。激烈旋轉的雲層突然慢下來開始散開。 雄偉的手臂裂天而出,直落而下壓垮了大地。 這令人膽顫的生物是什麼? 更重要的是那些裂縫是怎麼產生的? 你還來不及細想,另一隻巨大的手臂穿越了天上的裂谷。 不管那是什麼,可以肯定絕對是個龐然大物。深黑的蒼穹逐漸浮現一條巨龍越來越清楚的側影。牠發出連成人都會嚇得倒退三尺的巨大怒吼,你這輩子從沒看過有龍這麼大的。 那些以前打過的古代紅龍看起來和這個打從天上掉下來的傢伙相比,不過都是些兔崽子而已。
The clouds swirl above causing purples, grays, and blues to mix together into a giant vortex. The air seems charged with a dark energy that sends chills down your spine. The spinning of the clouds suddenly slows and they start to part. A massive arm reaches beyond the rift created in the heavens and comes crashing down to earth. What is this frightening creature? More importantly, why are these rifts being created? Before you have time to think, another large arm reaches through the rift in the skies. Whatever it is, it is definitely massive. It slowly becomes clear as a silhouette of a large dragon appears through the dark skies. The creature lets out a loud roar that would make a grown man cower in fear. Never have you seen a dragon this enormous. The one makes all those Ancient Red Dragons you fought look like mere whelps in comparison to this creature from the rift.
巴哈姆特: 太棒啦~~~~!!!! 我從地下世界的囚牢中掙脫了! 那個智障的梅菲斯特至少還算有點用處! 我可以盡情的破壞這個世界!!
Bahamut: "Yesssssssss!!!! I have escaped my prison in the Underworld! That fool Mephistophelesssss sssserved some purpose after all! I am free to destroy this world!"
Celesta: 我不信,這太扯了....
Celesta: "I cannot believe it. How could this be…."
You see Celestas face turn pale.
你: Celesta, 這是什麼? 這有這麼嚴重嗎?
You: "What is it Celesta? What is the matter?"
Celesta: 那是巴哈姆特! (你這個沒見識的死孩子 XD) 我的祖先們流傳著一則駭人聽聞的神話,述說兇猛的巨龍幾乎摧毀了整個世界。故事中的巴哈姆特最終幾乎要達成他的目標不過他最後還是被偉大的精靈聖者封印在地下世界。我以為那只是個精靈們嚇嚇小孩的傳說。 我從沒想過那是真的....
Celesta: "That is Bahamut! My ancestors use to tell me tales a large dragon so fierce and horrifying that it almost destroyed our world. The story said Bahamut almost succeeded in this goal except he was sealed away in the Underworld by the great Elven Sage. I use to think it was a just a tale to scare young elven children. I never thought that it could be true…"
你: 那怎麼會發生呢? 如果牠被封印了,那他現在是怎麼跑回來的?
You: "How could this happen? If he was sealed away, why would he come back now?"
Celesta: 牠剛才確實有提到梅菲斯特。 我猜會不會是困住牠的封印在梅菲斯特穿越到我們世界時變弱了,八成是這樣!
Celesta: "The creature did speak of Mephistopheles. I wonder if the seal that controlled the creature was weakened when Mephistopheles entered this world. That must be it!"
你: 那要怎麼阻止這怪物? 看起來我們不太可能有辨法阻止牠,世界會被毀減的。
You: "How do stop this creature? It seems if we do not stop it, it will destroy this world." Celesta: 就我所知,可能了解這個怪物並知道怎麼封印的只有一個人,就是精靈Medius。 少數經歷過上次巴哈姆特攻擊的黑暗時代的倖存者中,他是唯一現在還活著的。
Celesta: " The only person I know that has any knowledge of this creature and would know how to seal it away would be an elf by the name of Medius. He is one of the few elves currently alive that would have been there during those dark times when Bahamut last attacked."
你: 請盡你所能的趕快找到他。我們會努力把巴哈姆特絆住,不過我們擋不了多久的。
You: "Please find him as soon as you can. We will do our best to hold Bahamut back but we may not have much time."
You gather your army around as Celesta quickly teleports away to an unknown location.
你: 我們也許不能活著結束這一役,但是我們一定要盡可能的為Celesta掙取時間。她是我們唯一的希望。 我們必需為她掙取時間不然這世界就會如我們所知的走向終結。我們要為了我們的孩子及未來而戰。我能在此和你們每一個如此英勇的戰士並肩是我的驕傲。
You: "We may not survive this battle but we must do our best to buy time for Celesta. She is our only hope. We must buy her time or it will be the end of this world as we know it. We must fight for our children and our future. I am proud to have fought next to such brave individuals."
Your army rides toward the mountain range from which the rift originated. The sight of Bahamut in the distance frightens even you. It's taking every ounce of courage to maintain your composure. If you were to ride away now, your army would quickly scatter and there would be no hope to hold off this creature.
巴哈姆特: 你這個天真的人類好大膽子要擋我的路? 少了那個可惡的精靈聖者,你們不可能阻止我的! 我就先輾碎你們再摧毀這微不足道你們當"家"的世界。
Bahamut: "You silly humans dare to oppose me? Without that accursed Elven Sage, you have no hopes to stop me! I will crush you all before I destroy this insignificant world you humans call home."
巴哈姆特升空並拱起背來。 看似要召喚什麼黑暗的東西來攻擊! 你打信號給賢者們準備好他們的咒文。所有的賢者開始和諧的吟唱,一個巨大的護盾延著你的隊伍成形。然而,在咒文完成之前,巴哈姆特就搶先一步展開牠的攻擊。巴哈姆特從口中吐出燒溶的岩漿灌往你的人馬。熔岩擊中了屏障。屏障一度看起像撐住了,可是,等等......還有一部分的障壁還沒有形成! 慘叫從隊伍中傳出,你的一顆心也跟著往下沈。血肉焚燒的焦臭令你作噁,但是沒有選擇,只能撐。同伴的生命不能就此白費。聖職們快速的施放治癒咒文拯救受傷的同伴,隊伍開始推進。戰士們快速的組起前線,盡其所能的阻擋巴哈姆特的攻擊。部分人倒下了但是隊伍向前推進。
Bahamut rises up and arches its back. It looks like he is about to launch some sort of attack! You signal to the mages to ready their Deflection spell. The mages all start to chant in unison and a large barrier starts to form around your party. However, before they can finish the spell Bahamut completes his attack. Bahamut spews molten lava from its mouth at your party. The lava hits the barrier. It looks as if the Deflection barrier will hold but wait…there was a portion of the barrier which was not completed! The screams of your army cut through the air and your heart sinks. The smell of burning flesh makes you nauseous but there is no choice but to carry on. The lives of your army must not be in vain. The clerics quickly cast heal on the party members who were injured and the party pushes forward. The warriors quickly take up the front lines to deflect Bahamut's attacks as best they can. Some of them fall but the party pushes forward.
It looks like Bahamut is readying for another large attack. You quickly direct the rogues in the group to charge and hopefully stun Bahamut before it can launch another attack. The rogues quickly dart forward and attack in a coordinated fashion. Bahamut becomes distracted as it tries to swat away the rogues as if they were nothing but small flies. It looks like the group of rogues have taken massive damage but they were at least able to prevent Bahamut from spewing lava again. This battle will be short-lived if Celesta cannot make it back with Medius.
就在此刻你看見Celesta騎馬從隊伍的後方靠近,Medius就在她旁邊。 希望他們知道將巴哈姆特封印回地底世界的方法。你才正這麼想完,就被巴哈姆特巨吼給打回現實。看來牠注意到Medius和Celesta了。
Just in time you see Celesta riding toward the rear of your party with Medius by her side. Hopefully they will have the answers to seal Bahamut back in the Underworld. As you complete your thought, you are jerked back to reality by a loud screech from Bahamut. It seems it has taken notice of Medius and Celesta.
巴哈姆特: 精靈聖者!! 你居然蠢到在這裡現身。真是省了我的功夫,不用花力氣把你找出來幹掉!
巴哈姆特說的是medius? 怎麼可能Medius就是精靈聖者? 就在這瞬間你注意到巴哈姆特已經準備好要發再新一波的熔岩吐息攻擊了。一定是瞄準Medius和Celesta。要是他們陣亡就真的要亡了。你拉緊韁繩急蹬馬腹直往Medius和Celesta的方向狂奔。巴哈姆特朝著Medius和Celesta吐出巨大的火球。倒底能不能及時趕上? 你捨身從馬背上飛躍而下,把Medius和Celesta撲倒在地上。火球僅差毫髮的錯過了Medius和Celesta但啃噬了你的左臂。皮膚的炙烤帶來難以忍受的痛楚。巨痛讓你失去意識。倒底Medius和Celesta能不能及時挽救並將巴哈姆特再次放逐到地下世界?
Is Bahamut referring to Medius? How could it be possible that Medius is the Elven Sage? All of sudden you see Bahamut charging for another Lava Breath attack. Its target must be Celesta an d Medius. If they perish, there will be no hope left. You pull hard on the reins of your horse and head back towards Celesta and Medius. Bahamut unleashes for a great fireball in the direction of Celesta and Medius. Will you be able to make it in time? You leap off your horse and tackle Celesta and Medius to the ground. The fireball misses Celesta and Medius by a hair but grazes your left arm. The pain is excruciating as your skin is seared off. The pain is causing you lose consciousness. Will Celesta and Medius be able to make it time and banish Bahamut back to the Undeworld?
As your eyes get heavier and heavier, you see Medius start a chant and create a large magical seal. Meanwhile, Celesta has created a large magical barrier to protect them as Bahamut continues his assault. A deafening roar is unleashed. Bahamut is writhes in pain.
巴哈姆特: 不要再一次!! 不要又來再一次啊啊!!!!!
天空再次分開,巨大的光束閃射而出。 巴哈姆特出現時的那道裂縫再度開啓。 不過, 這次,巴哈姆特上升到空中。天空出現不自然的紫、黃色黑影。巴哈姆特不斷的升高,看來Medius的魔法封印奏效了。巴哈姆特漸漸的穿過裂縫消失於永恆,不見了。整個天空變的乾淨而平靜。陽光照耀在你臉上灑下舒服的溫暖。你的雙眼越來越難保持睜開。Celesta朝你跑來,她似乎在和你說些什麼,但你一個字也聽不到,也許真的是你的盡頭了。你的最後一刻是凱旋的,你希望能有個像戰士的喪禮還有他們將會把你的名字唱成歌曲世代傳頌。在雙眼被黑暗填滿前,你最後看到的影像是Celesta發光的手覆在你的胸口。
The skies part again and large beam of light shines through. The rift from which Bahamut originated begins to open again. However, this time, Bahamut is raised into the skies. The sky has turned an unnatural shade of purple and yellow. Bahamut continues to resist but it looks as if Medius's magical seal has worked. Bahamut slowly disappears through the rift and after what seems to be an eternity, it is gone. The skies become calm and clear from the sky. The sun shines on your face. It is a comforting warmth. Your eyes become tougher and tougher to hold open. Celesta runs over to you. It looks like she is trying to talk to you but yet you hear no sound. Maybe it truly is the end for you. Your last moments were triumphant. You hope for a proper warriors burial and hope that they will sing songs of your name for generations to come. Your last image as your eyes go dark is that of Celesta's glowing hands hovering over your chest.
[CA] Castle Age 劇情翻譯-Genesis創世紀-大地元素
[CA] Castle Age 劇情翻譯- Demon Realm 惡魔邊境
[CA] Castle Age 劇情翻譯-地下世界
[CA] Castle Age 劇情翻譯-水之王國