
nm_war_large.jpg Castle Age 劇情翻譯- 血色平原之戰 War of the Red Plains






gift_red_complete.jpg 戰爭爆發在瓦萊里亞和祖那瑞亞之間的血色平原!利用戰略帶領你的軍隊迎戰擊敗敵人!搭配戰略能讓你發揮更強的破壞力。然而,你要小心敵人強大的力量也可能打敗你!利用煉金術中創造的出的[祖那瑞亞]來參戰
War has broken out between Valeria and Zenarea at the Red Plains! Guide your army to battle and defeat your enemy using Tactics! This strategic element will allow you deal more damage. However, be careful as the enemy forces are strong and able to defeat you as well! Engage in the battle by creating a Zenarean Crest through Alchemy (combine 4 types crest shard from Mystery Crest Pieces gift)

This is a historic recounting of the War of the Red Plains, a war between Valerians and Zenareans.

The War of the Red Plains broke out shortly after the first invasion of Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles' reign of terror had wide-reaching effects, across the borders and lands of many nations, including Valeria and Zenarea.

當瓦萊里亞忙著計畫如何驅逐國土上邪惡的惡魔,祖那瑞亞人面臨了席捲當地的飢荒。祖那瑞亞的大陸比瓦萊里亞要小的多,大部分的農田在入侵時被毁,因此許多人沒飯吃。糧食的短缺造成飢民的動亂而祖那瑞亞帝國不得不採取行動。While the Valerians were busy formulating plans to banish the evil demon from the land, the Zenareans had to deal with the famine that was sweeping their land. Zenarea, a much smaller landmass than Valeria, had a majority of its farmland destroyed in the invasion, leaving many of the population without grain. The shortage of food caused an uproar in the general population and the Zenarean Empire was forced to take action.

hero_lucius.jpg 此時,瓦萊里亞人大部分的軍力都在入侵時被耗盡,於是對祖那瑞亞政府提出請求,希望能提供用以打敗梅菲斯特所需的軍事援助。若是放任梅菲斯特,將會演變成生靈荼炭。在瓦萊里亞眼中,這是當務之急。但是幾個月過去,援軍却音訊全無。瓦萊里亞決定派一組斥候前往祖那瑞亞大陸尋求最後的幫助。Meanwhile, the Valerians, with most of their military forces depleted by the invasion, made requests to the Zenarean government for military aid in defeating Mephistopheles. Left unchecked, Mephistopheles would enslave mankind. In the eyes of Valeria, there should be no higher priority. For months, the requests were left unanswered. Valeria decided to send a scouting party to the Zenarean continent to make one final request for help.

當瓦萊里亞的斥候來到大陸邊界時,碰上一些祖那瑞亞人的軍隊正在國境交界的小村莊搶劫食物及補給品。瓦萊里亞斥候將他們帶回瓦萊里亞交予高層官員發落。獲得消息後,瓦萊里亞的高級議會認為此事不能輕恕有必要採取行動。他們決定派出瓦萊里亞最強的一隊精英士兵,對入侵瓦萊里亞大陸的祖那瑞亞人宣戰,即便此時正需要這些戰力來對抗梅菲斯特。As the Valerian scouting party reached the fringes of the Valerian continent, they happened to come across several Zenarean squadrons pillaging many villages for supplies and foodstuffs along the Valerian-Zenarean borders. The Valerian scouting party had to take this party back to Valerian high officials. Upon hearing the news, the Valeria High Council felt the need to take action. It was decided that an elite party of Valerias strongest soldiers would be sent after Mephistopheles while what remained of the Valerian military forces would go to war with the Zenareans for their transgressions against the Valerian continent.

帶著軍命,陰曆六月一個異常寒冷的夏夜,瓦萊里亞軍前往祖那瑞亞。因為天氣嚴寒,瓦萊里亞軍直到下個紅月之時才到達祖那瑞亞人的領土。待到邊境時,祖那瑞亞人早就和瓦萊里亞的村民爆發了小規模的衝突。瓦萊里亞軍行動迅速的解決掉已經是流寇的祖那瑞亞軍。瓦萊里亞村民和祖那瑞亞人之間的小衝突,很快在祖那瑞亞外圍的白色平原升級為大規模的戰鬥。傷亡都節節高升。雙方都被迫在刺骨寒冷加上缺少補給品及食物的情況下戰鬥,嚴重準備不足的情況下兩軍開戰。With that decree, during the unusually cold summer of the sixth Season of Lunar Nights, the Valerian army marched towards Zenarea. Due to the harsh winter, the Valerian army did not reach the Zenarean territory until the second Season of Red Moons. Upon reaching the border, Zenareans were already engaged in skirmishes with Valerian villagers. The marching Valerian army quickly dispatched the rogue squadrons of Zenareanss. The small skirmishes between Valerians and Zenareans soon escalated into a large-scale battle at the White Plains of Outer Zenarea. The casualties on both sides were high. Both sides were forced to battle in the biting cold and the lack of supplies and food for both sides made the armies ill-prepared for the trying times of war.

deity_health.jpg戰爭持續了7年,雙方都沒能取得優勢。傷亡越來越多,却一點也沒有將結束的跡象。於是,就在七月的高潮日那個悲慘的日子,突然大量相同的回報,整個大陸到處都出現了裂谷,裂谷解放了來自地獄的居民及天界的天使。Aurora,代表生命的偉大半神女神,預見了梅菲斯特將再次入侵人類的世界。看來瓦萊里亞派去迎戰梅菲斯特的軍隊失敗了。雖然半神很少干涉人類的事件,但Aurora明白她必須結束瓦萊里亞人和祖那瑞亞人之間的戰爭,才能作好準備對付即將入侵的梅菲斯特。The war waged on for seven years, with neither side being able to gain an advantage over the other. The casualties kept on mounting and it seemed that there would be no end in sight. Then, on that fateful day of the seventh Season of High Tides, reports sprang up throughout the continent about rifts opening up, unleashing denizens from hell and angels from the heavens. Aurora, the mighty demigoddess of Health, knew that Mephistopheles would once again enter the world of man. It seemed the Valerian squadron sent to vanquish Mephistopheles had failed. Although the demigods rarely interfere in the matters of man, Aurora knew that she had to end the war between the Valerians and Zenareans and prepare them for the impending invasion of Mephistopheles.

當瓦萊里亞人和祖那瑞亞人在白平原準備再開另一場戰鬥時,Aurora降臨至戰場。雙方士兵都敬畏於半神女神的美麗和強大而停了下來。Aurora告知雙方關於人類即將面臨的危機,如果瓦萊里亞和祖那瑞亞之間的戰爭持續,這代表人類的時代將會終結。為著這個警告,雙方放下了武器。瓦萊里亞最高議會和祖那瑞亞帝國簽署了停戰協議。戰爭已經持續了這麼長時間,幾乎讓人忘了一開始是怎麼發生的。之後的歲月,瓦萊里亞人和祖那瑞亞人都在整軍,為了應付魔王梅菲斯特大軍入侵時和人類的戰爭。那次戰爭的結果容後再述。As the Valerians and Zenareans prepared for another battle at the White Plains, Aurora descended onto the battlefield. Soldiers from both sides stood in awe at the beauty and power of the powerful demigoddess. Aurora informed both sides of the impending danger approaching mankind and if the Valerians and Zenareans continued to wage war, it would have meant the certain end of mankind. With those words, both sides relinquished their arms. A truce was signed between the Valerian High Council and the Zenarean Empire. The war had lasted so long, that few remembered why it had occurred in the first place. In the following seasons, both Valerians and Zenareans prepared their continents for the impending war between the armies of man and the armies of the Demon King Mephistopheles. The outcome of that war will need to be recorded and recounted at another time.

注:傳說自停戰協定簽訂起 瓦萊里亞人和祖那瑞亞人之間的白平原長出紅色的草。有人說是因為戰場上濺滿鮮血。也有人認為,瓦萊里亞人的最高議會和祖那瑞亞人帝國的停火協議都是簽在血污之中。自此祖那瑞亞外緣的白平原被稱為血色平原。Footnote: Legend says from the day the truce was signed between the Valerians and Zenareans, the White Plains only sprouted red grass. Some suggest it was due to all the blood spilled on that battlefield. Others believe that the truce between the Valerians and Zenareans was signed by the blood of both the Valerian High Council and the Zenarean Royalty. From that day forth, the White Plains of Outer Zenarea have been called the Red Plains.


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