Castle Age 城堡世紀第9關 - 象牙之城
9王是又是梅菲斯特啦~ 只不過是強化版本的 XD
這算是主線最重要的王之一,也算是最終大魔王吧,打王的故事超長的 =..=
然後大梅和大天使殉情了!!!什麼結局啊!! 翻桌!!!
After fleeing the collapsing chamber where you defeated Azriel, you realize your only goal is to seek out Mephistopheles and destroy him. You can feel the tension in the air. It will only be a matter of time before the angels find out about the demise of Azriel and chaos breaks loose. If you do not find Mephistopheles soon, who knows what he might have planned. The outcome of the battle with Mephistopheles will most likely determine the fate of man. You must sharpen your resolve and temper your nerves for the race of man has never needed you more.
脫出要塞 Escaping the Stronghold
。只可惜前路已經被守衛阻擋了,要過去就需要先打敗他們!尋找出口。突破守衛。After the fall of Azriel, you must find your way out of the Judgement Stronghold as the rest of the building starts to collapse. However, your path out is blocked by a gang of guards. Defeat them and make your way out! Find the Exit.Breaking Through the Guard.Interrogate the Prisoners.
惡魔成群 Demonic Patrol
你找到要塞的出口,但是到處都有惡魔戰士晃來晃去。他們怎麼會跑到天界?打敗他們,問個答案出來!擊敗惡魔。審問囚犯。 As you make your way out of the Stronghold, you start to see demonic soldiers roaming around. What are they doing in heaven? Defeat them and get some answers! Defeat the Demons. Interrogate the Prisoners.
尋找梅菲斯特 Finding Mephistopheles
從惡魔守衛身上你問出梅菲斯特所在的位置。只是話都還沒問完,就有惡魔伸著翅膀從上面朝你襲擊!攻擊來自上方。解讀線索。As you coerce the answers from the demonic guard, you are able to determine the general location of Mephistopheles. Before you finish your interrogation of the guards, you are attacked from above by winged demons! Attack from Above. Decipher the Clues.
意外的幫手 Unexpected Help
又有長著翅膀的惡魔成群往這裡襲來。大批的惡魔撲著翅膀捲天蓋地的降臨,一時間你只得採取守勢。突然,一個六翼天使閃身攔截了惡魔。協助天使!打散惡魔。前往皇宮。Another flock of winged demons are headed your way. As the group of winged demons descend upon you, you brace for battle. Suddenly, a seraphim angel intercepts the demons. Assist the angel! Distract the Demons. Ride Towards the Palace.
象牙宮殿 The Ivory Palace
你實在不明白怎麼天使會來幫忙?但現在不是追根究底的時機。你現在要前往遙遠的象牙宮殿。曾經聖潔純白的城市現在惡魔肆虐。最後階段。為終戰準備。Why did the angel help you? There is no time to think about that now. You must start the long ride towards the Ivory Palace. The once pure and white city is now overrun with demons. The Final Stretch.: Prepare for the Trials.
王宮的守衛 Guardian to the Palace
經過長途跋涉,你終於到達象牙宮殿的大門。但是,一個巨大的惡魔守衛擋住你的去路。為了前進清掉他!殺死守衛。找出鑰匙。You just finished the long trek and finally reached the gates of the Ivory Palace. However, your path Recover the Key.
宮殿之中 Inside the Palace
Now that you are inside of the palace walls, you can see the skies have turned a crimson red and the demons exist. There is a source of evil nearby. You must hurry and get inside the palace! Avoid the Patrols. Defeat the Patrols.
爆發混亂 Chaos Breaks Out
越是接近主殿,全付武裝的惡魔數量就越多。你得偷偷潛入以避開巡邏的惡魔。對抗惡魔。從混亂中脫身。The closer you get to the main palace, the more demons you see and it seems like they are preparing for a battle. You must sneak past the demonic patrols. Battling the Demons. Escaping the Chaos.
蜂湧而至 The Demonic Horde
你驚動了巡邏中的惡魔,他們發出警告,這下所有的惡魔守軍都知道你的大駕光臨啦! 殺出一條血路或是拔腿快逃!前途黯淡。死裡逃生。The patrol spotted you and now the rest of the demonic horde has been alerted to your presence. Either fight your way through or escape!
Grim Outlook. Surviving the Onslaught.
天使降臨 Angels Descend
惡魔大軍馬上由背後追上來了。一群天使飛過,看來似乎有一線生機。說服他們加入你!暮色蒼茫的天空。路的盡頭。The large demonic horde is catching up to you. You see a group of angels overhead and it might be the only hope. Convince them to side with you!The Darkening Skies. End of the Road.
強大的援軍 Reinforcements
The angels have joined the battle! Now combine your strengths and take down the demonic horde! Aid the Angels. Banish the Horde.
王座主室 The Throne Chamber
You have finally reached the main chamber of the Ivory Palace. Beyond this final gateway, you know lies the greatest challenge. Prepare yourself!
Storm the Ivory Palace.The Last Gateway .
王座入口 Entrance to the Throne
,但是這惡魔明明早就被打趴在地上了。你進入房間後,梅菲斯特放下他支著下巴的巨掌站了起來,迎接這場最終的決戰。 Sitting atop the platinum throne is Mephistopheles. You cannot believe your eyes but the demon you once banished lies before you, albeit in a somewhat different form. His chin rests on his mighty hand. As you enter the throne room, Mephistopheles stands up and you prepare for the final battle.
這個梅菲斯特和你在水之王國碰到的根本不是同一個檔次的。雖然敵人第一眼根本認不出是同一個,但是很快你就發現到,他給你一種熟悉的感覺,和當初被惡魔化的Cefka一樣有種無法錯認的相似。The atmosphere in the throne room is suffocating. The mere presence of Mephistopheles is almost unbearable. You can feel your senses being dulled. You must concentrate. One misstep against Mephistopheles and it could easily mean the end for you. As Mephistopheles steps off the throne, the ground splinters and fissures open up along the ground. This is not the same Mephistopheles that you fought back in the Land of Water. At first glance, its hard to recognize this is the same foe but the feeling you felt as you encountered the demon-possessed Cefka is the unmistakably the same.
梅菲斯特:你被我原本的形態嚇到發抖啦?在你小小世界裡那場戰鬥,只不過是我一小部分的力量而已。但是在這,我的能力無窮無盡。你想打贏我是沒機會的。現在你對上我是有幾成贏面啊? Do you tremble at my true form? When I fought you in your pathetic world, that was only but a portion of my strength. Here in realm, my strength is unfettered. You were barely able to defeat me then. What chance do you have of standing against me now?
你:我會不計代價打敗你。拼上這條命讓你殘暴的統治到此為止。You: I will defeat you no matter the cost. Your reign of tyranny shall end here even if it means my life.
梅菲斯特:你還真是不自量力的白痴!那好,你的死期到了,我保證好好送你一程極度痛苦又緩慢的死亡之旅。Mephistopheles: You insolent fool! Then this shall be your end and I will ensure that your death shall be a long and painful one.
梅菲斯特筆直的走向你,壓迫感驟增,你的太陽穴跟著抽痛了起來。你聽見讓人無法集中像是靈魂被折磨時發出的尖銳哭叫充塞腦海。你的眼前一片模糊,額上汗流如注。不停的往後撤退想掙取一些思考的時間。接著你發現塞萊斯塔也和你一樣在掙扎。As Mephistopheles marches towards you, the oppressing atmosphere grows, causing your head to throb. You can hear the screams and wails of tortured souls within your head making it hard to concentrate. Your vision blurs, and sweat pours You can see Celesta visibly struggling as well.
梅菲斯特:你真有心要阻止我,幹嘛跑呢?Mephistopheles: If you truly want to stop me, why do you run?
你知道梅菲斯特是對的。你要壓制內心的恐懼,面對他。沒有人能保證你能擊敗他。但是,如果自己心中恐懼,那就沒有希望了。要能無所畏懼的面對戰鬥才是真正的英雄。突然你覺得雙手一暖,王者之劍開始發光了。之前雖劍然握在你手中,卻是一點反應也沒有。這把劍的鋒利也許只為王者而存在,你的頭痛停消,視力也漸漸回復。你奔向最後的關卡,無畏的面對梅菲斯特。你果敢的抓到了梅菲斯特背後的空檔,一瞬間他也只能手臂一抬阻止你的攻擊。王者之劍陷入梅菲斯特的前臂,他發出憤怒的吼叫。You know Mephistopheles is right. You must quell the fear inside yourself and face him. There are no guarantee that you will be able to defeat him. But if the fear exists within yourself, all hope is lost. Perhaps that is the sign of a true hero. Someone who can put themselves into battle no matter the stakes. You feel a warmth in your hand as Excalibur starts to glow. It was only moments ago when sword was lifeless in your hands. Perhaps the blade channels the might of the user¡K The throbbing inside your head subsides and your vision comes into perfect focus. You run towards the end of the cliff and launch yourself at Mephistopheles. Your boldness catches Mephistopheles off-guard and he is barely able to raise his arm in time to block your attack. Excalibur plunges into the forearm of Mephistopheles as he roars in anger.
梅菲斯特聲勢浩大的穿越王座至,整個天花板因崩潰而落下無數的碎片。他巨大的正拳朝你砸來,幾乎閃避不及。他用尾巴狂掃四方。你抓穩時機跳了開來。但下一擊就沒那麼走運了。他左手拳一揮,你被巨拳巴中飛過大半個王座宝卡進一個大理石柱中。撞上石柱巨大的衝擊讓堅硬的大理石整個碎裂。梅菲斯特像抓小雞一樣從頭把你整個抓了起來。語帶笑意的說道。喲, 你骨頭都斷光了粘在柱子上了呢。你的身體和腦子裡滿是震耳欲聾的碎裂聲。脊椎、背骨都折碎了。Mephistopheles violently flails his arm, and you are thrown across the room crashing against the throne room wall. The impact jars Excalibur from your hand and it slides across the floor only to fall through the fissure. You run toward the fissure, but there is no sign of the great weapon. Before you have a chance to dwell on the lost sword, As Mephistopheles rumbles across the throne chamber, parts of the ceiling start to collapse. His massive right fist comes toward you, which you barely dodges. He whipped his tail around. You jumped in the nick of time. You weren't so lucky the next strike. His left fist propelled you halfway through the throne chamber onto a marble pillar. The force of your impact cracked the once solid column. Mephistopheles grabbed your head with ease, lifting your entire body. He laughs. Your body was flung and slammed over the broken pillar. A deafening crack resounded in your mind and body. Your spine, your backbone! Snapped and broken.
梅菲斯特:人類,你知道怎麼你還沒死嗎?很簡單。我要你清眼看看在我恐怖統治之下的新世界!你會活著看著這一切!Mephistopheles: Human, do you know why you are not dead? Simple. I want you to witness the rebirth of this world under my reign of terror! You will live to see all of it!
帶頭的是Vulcan。他一定是在你遠征天界時聚集了這些盟友。梅菲斯特立刻把注意力轉向這些入侵者。矮人戰士背著巨大的戰斧,成群包圍梅菲斯特並展開猛烈的攻擊。雖然多半馬上被這惡魔消滅,但還是有一些成功突破,砍上了梅菲斯特的腿。精靈弓箭手朝著梅菲斯特發射一波又一波的箭雨。攻擊雖然根本沒辨法傷到梅菲斯特的本體,僅只是惹惱了這惡魔,但精靈的擾亂讓騎士和聖騎士得以攻擊梅菲斯特的飛翼。同時,眾多的天使、鳳凰抓到機會就俯衝下來攻擊梅菲斯特。All of a sudden, the large marble throne room doors burst open. Reinforcements! The Dwarves, Elves, Knights, Paladins, and Angels! Leading the charge is Vulcan. He Mephistopheles attention quickly turns to the invading army. The Dwarven warriors, carrying their large battle axes, swarm to encircle Mephistopheles and ferociously charged into Mephistopheles. Although many are quickly decimated by the strikes from the great demon, but some successfully break through and start chopping at the legs of Mephistopheles. The Elven archers launch volley after volley of arrows at Mephistopheles. Although they are seemingly mere annoyances to Mephistopheles, unable to pierce his demonic hide, the Elven barrages distract the demon long enough for t
he Knights and Paladins to attack the flank of Mephistopheles. Meanwhile, legions of Angels and Phoenixes swoop down, striking at Mephistopheles when opportunities present themselves.
你胸口滿溢高漲的情緒,看著你的盟友們通力合作想打倒最終的惡魔領主。但此刻,你只能無助的躺在石柱碎片中。隨即,塞萊斯塔出現在你身側,同行的還有Zarevok和Elin。 Zarevok和Elin快速的將你的身體從柱上移到地面。劇痛讓你眼前一黑。Your heart swells at the sight of all your allies cooperating to take down the great Right then, Celesta appears by your side along with Zarevok and Elin. Zarevok and Elin easily moved your immobile body from the pillar onto the floor. The pain was so blinding you literally lost vision.
塞萊斯塔:我能修補你的背脊,只有部分。我現在的魔力不足沒辨法施放更強的癒合術。這樣應該也有用,雖然行動力還是有限。可能要花一點時間,因為你脊椎真的受損很嚴重。Celesta: I can mend your spine but only partially. I do not have all the necessary power to cast a greater healing spell. It should help, but you will still be limited. It will also take some time since your spine is severely damaged.
你:謝謝你,塞萊斯塔。做你該做的吧,不過要快。我們的盟軍需要幫助!You: Thank you, Celesta. Do what you must, but hurry. Our allies will need aid!
你望著梅菲斯特,他像抓娃娃一樣的把飛行中的六翼天使抓下來隨手甩到王座室的深處。更為可怖的是,梅菲斯特吸入地獄之火後朝你的盟友吐出熊熊烈焰。即使你離主戰場很遠,炙熱還是把四肢未覆衣物部位的毛髮都給烤焦了。僅僅一擊,無數盟友的生命就此消逝。The feeling in your spine is unsettling as you feel bones, nerves, and flesh mend. The pain subsides, but barely. You can feel your legs again. You turn your eyes back to the battle with Mephistopheles. Your allies are doing the best they can, but you can see they are slowly losing the tide and momentum as the demon lord slowly but surely eliminates each of your allies one by one. Mephistopheles snatches the Angels in mid-flight and fling them to the far depths of the throne room as if they are just dolls. A truly frightening scene unfolds as Mephistopheles inhales and unleashes the flames of Hell upon your allies. Even though you are quite distant from the main battle, the heat seared away the hair of your uncovered limbs. Numerous lives of your allied army are lost with that one, single attack.
塞萊斯塔:我盡力了。你小心點。Celesta: I have done the best I can. Be careful.
你緩慢顫抖的抬起腳。痛感轟遍全身,可是沒時間喊疼的了。You slowly and shakily rise to your feet. Your entire body bombarded with pain, but there is no time for that.
你:Zarevok, 你的Cleaver給我!我一定要加入戰鬥!You: Zarevok, your Cleaver! I must join this battle!
Zarevok:是,老大!Zarevok: Sure, Boss!
Cleaver很沉,你只能勉強的揮動它。你疾步走向梅菲斯特。他正在忙著清理殘餘的六翼天使。機會來了!你避開梅菲斯特的視線小心的走向右側。你拖起地面上沉重的Cleaver,用盡所有的意志力將它高舉過頭。目標?以牙還牙,脊椎換脊椎。你出盡每一分吃奶的力氣將Cleaver揮下。Cleaver刺穿了惡魔領主鮮紅色的血肉。梅菲斯特釋放出震耳欲聾的轟隆痛吼。巨大的尾巴左右狂甩。挾著風壓的巨尾不偏不倚的正中你胸口。你又飛到半空中,巨大的Cleaver從手中掉落。你跌落大理石地板發出如雷巨響。眼睛一睜開,你就看見梅菲斯特朝你走來。他已經把所有的盟軍都消滅了。在遠處,你發現塞萊斯塔一動也不動的躺著。她還活著嗎?你把焦點轉回梅菲斯特身上。The cleaver is heavy, almost unwieldable but it will suffice. You rush toward Mephistopheles. He is distracted by the remaining Silverlight Angels. Here is your chance! You run towards the right trying to avoid Mephistopheles field of vision. You Your target? An eye for an eye, a spinal column for a spinal column. You bring down the Cleaver with all the strength you can muster. The Cleaver penetrates the red flesh of the demon lord. Mephistopheles unleashes a deafening roar of pain. He whips his massive tail around. The tail hits you square in the chest, instantly knocking the wind out of you. You are again sent flying, losing your handle on the large Cleaver. You land with a thud against the marble floor. As you open your eyes, you see Mephistopheles marching toward you. He has wiped out all your allies. In the distance, you can see Celesta lying motionless. Is she alive or dead? Your pupils focus onto Mephistopheles.
梅菲斯特:你們人類都一個德性。高舉著不值一提的希望和夢想。可是,只有我是真理!我將統治、奴役你的人民。絕望會像瘟疫一樣蔓延至全國的土地,還有我會打爆你。Mephistopheles: You humans are all alike. You hang on to your worthless hopes and Despair shall spread across the land like a plague, and I will break you.
難道梅菲斯特才是對的嗎?你是人類最後的希望,但是這結局:你的盟軍都被滅了,王者之劍也丟了,惡魔領主將奴役這世界所有的生靈。你還能做什麼?你閉上眼,淚流了下來。淚水滾落你的臉頰滴下冰冷的大理石地板。微弱的一道聖潔的光芒出現在你模糊的視線中。天使?是要送我到來世嗎?我是已經死了嗎?你向著光走去,光芒越來越亮越來越亮。你伸手擋住刺目的光線。好像有什麼碰了你的手一下。你合掌緊握。手中的觸感那麼的熟悉而溫暖,金色劍柄上的刻痕,完美的重量和平衡。你睜開眼。王者之劍?它怎麼會跟著到我的來生?你明明就搞丟了,那現在為什麼在這?所有的觸感都很真實。和你旅程中揮動的那把王者之劍一模一樣。Mephistopheles, is he right? You were the last hope for man, and this is the result: your allies are all gone, Excalibur is lost, and the demon lord will enslave all of the living world. Is there anything you can do? You close your eyes and weep. The tears rolls down your face and hit the cold marble floor. A faint, holy glow appears in your blurred vision. Silhouette of an Angel? Is this your escort to the afterlife? Have you Your hand reached out to shield your eyes. Something touched your hand. You closed your fingers. Your touch can recognize the familiar indentations of the warm grip, the nicks on the golden pommel, the perfect weight and balance. You open your eyes. Excalibur? Why is it in your afterlife? You know it was lost, so why is it here now? All of this feels real. Just as real as the Excalibur you were wielding during your journeys.
巨大的碰撞拉回你的意識。梅菲斯特離你約有兩步的空間。你努力集中意識,發現王者之劍就在你的右手裡。哪來的?你用盡最後的意智和力量舉起刀刃。你察覺到一股奇特的力量穿透進身體裡,你被一陣藍色的光芒籠罩。你再度閉上眼,不過這次你腦中預演的標地改成了梅菲斯特的胸口。你回憶起瓦萊里亞的人們及旅程中幫助自己的盟軍:Strider, Dragan, Sophia, Penelope, Zarevok, Vulcan, 當然還有Celesta.。你知道所有人的命運都取決於你的行動,但你忍不住的回憶起和這些最親密戰友間的點滴。湧入經脈的力量再也無法壓抑。你沒有再張開眼,因為信任著王者之劍的帶領。你感覺到沉劍深入血肉。幾乎沒有阻力。悄然無聲。你心中只有平和及冷靜。A large crash brings you back to consciousness. Mephistopheles is two strides away How? You muster your last bit of willpower and strength and raise the blade. You feel a strange power course through your body, and a blue glow envelops you. You close your eyes again, but this time you envision your target: Mephistopheles chest. You recall memories of all the people in Valeria as well as the allies that have helped you on your journey: Strider, Dragan, Sophia, Penelope, Zarevok, Vulcan, and of course, Celesta. You know the fate of all the living is upon you, but you cannot help but to remember the memories of your closest friends. The power coursing through your veins can no longer be contained. Without opening your eyes, you thrust Excalibur in front of you. You feel the sword sink deep into flesh. The blade meets little resistance. All is quiet. Peace and calm washes over you.
你睜開眼睛。梅菲斯特用他的巨掌抓撫著傷口向後跌。You open your eyes. Mephistopheles stumble backward grasping at his gaping wound with his two enormous hands.
梅菲斯特:不可能...是怎麼?????Mephistopheles: It cannot be... HOW?????
梅菲斯特雙膝落地,天花板因而崩落大量的碎片。他胸口的洞開始向外擴張,變成一黑暗、無盡的虛空。Mephistopheles falls to his knees, causing large debris to fall from the ceiling. The hole in his chest starts to expand outward, revealing a dark, endless void.
梅菲斯特:如果我得不到這個世界,我也要毀掉它!Mephistopheles: If I cannot enslave this world, I SHALL DESTROY IT!
梅菲斯特胸口不見底的深洞持續的擴大,四周掉下的碎片開始像旋渦一樣被吸入。如果梅菲斯特說的是真的,那他會帶著整個天空之界和他一起陪葬。如果破壞了天界的核心會有什麼結果?王者之劍送進你身體的能量已經消失了,缺乏修補的身體再度傳來巨痛。而你的盟友也都還失去意識。不管是想救他們還是救天界都一樣沒有希望。你也許是打敗了梅菲斯特,不過人類最後仍注定要完蛋。旅途中一路的磨難已將你耗盡。你仰望由坍塌天花板洩下的流光。空中似乎有道身影開始凝聚。等等..!好像有什麼過來了。The abyssal hole originating from Mephistopheles chest continues to expand and loose debris starts to fly towards the vortex. If Mephistopheles is true to his word, it appears he will destroy the Kingdom of Heaven with his death. What will happen if the abyss destroys the Heaven? Channeling energy from Excalibur has left you drained, and your mended body starts to ache again. Your allies still incapacitated. There is no hope to save them nor Heaven. You may have defeated Mephistopheles, but mankind is still doomed in the end. The trials of your journey have left you drained. You look up at the light streaming through the opening of the collapsed ceiling. Seems like a shadow from the sky begins to focus. Wait! There is something headed this way.
阿茲莉兒!她降下來輕輕落在你身邊。她還活著?怎麼可能?她在你們的戰鬥中喪生了。Azriel! She flies down and lands gently by your side. She is alive? How? She perished in your battle.
阿茲莉兒:人類。我目睹你的事蹟。你的勇氣,你的意志,和你的決心。我可能...對人類有了錯誤的看法。也許,還有轉機。也許會有一天,戰爭和戰鬥都消失。至少,你重燃起起我對世界的希望,現在我發現自己的方法是個錯誤。我將以此為我的罪孽付出代價。承諾我,人類。活著。保持你過去的信念成為全人類的燈塔之光,因為我透過你..看到創造者的痕跡。Azriel: Human.. I have witnessed your deeds. Your courage, your will, and your determination. I may have.. erred on my opinion of man. Perhaps, there is can be change. Perhaps, there will be a day when war and fighting ceases. At the very least, you have rekindled my hope in the world, and now I see the error of my ways. I will pay for my sins with this last deed. Promise me, human. Live. Continue to live as you have. Be the beacon of Light for all of mankind for I see in you.. a trace of the Creators.
你點了頭,深知這些都將成為她的遺言。她俯衝往梅菲斯特屍體上那不斷增長的空洞風暴,輕巧而優雅。她手壓放上梅菲斯特和空洞。閃亮的光芒從阿茲莉兒和梅菲斯特兩人身上爆發。你急忙轉身,當你再回頭時。兩個人都不見了。你抬頭望向天空。昏暗的天色開始變的明亮,陽光探頭而下。你看向你的盟友們,發現他們一個個都爬起來了。你跛著腳走向Celesta。You nod, understanding that those will be her last words. She swoops down toward the tempest of the ever-growing void from the corpse of Mephistopheles with effortless grace. She lays her hands on Mephistopheles and the void. A shining light erupts from the union of Azriel and Mephistopheles. You turned away and when you looked again. Both of them are gone. You turn your head towards the sky again. The darkened skies began to shine, and sunlight surges through. You look towards your allies, and one by one they began to pick themselves up. You limp towards Celesta.
你:我們做到了。終於結束了...You: We have done it. It is finally over..
暗月: 我做到了,終於翻完了... 有夠長的 =..=