Age 劇情翻譯-半神Malekus
我要怎麼說呢... 這篇翻好久啊!!抱頭!!
為啥會這麼難翻,這麼血腥,這麼和主神無關,還沒圖可以用啊!!!! 囧rz
有錯請告知啊... 我這篇一大堆很不確定的翻譯 囧
Malekus: The Road to Power is a long and dangerous
road, filled with many trials and formidable challenges. With my aid, I can
make you a great conquerer. Without me, I cannot promise you the same.
His symbol represents: Power, Ambition. He grants
power to those desiring to move up in the world and aspiring for greatness.
群龍重臨 The
Return of the Dragon
你在 Angleston 對上綠龍但是龍的力量勝過你們。因為凡人的武器無法刺穿龍堅韌的外皮。“你還早十年呢”龍笑著說,“你打不過我的。”撲滅大火。找出龍攻擊的原因。
The village of Angleston is burning! Columns
of fire can be seen blasting upwards while a thick smoke hides the village
from view. A dragon may be behind this. Go forth and slay the dragon!
You battle the green dragon of Angleston but you are no match. No mortal weapon
can pierce the dragon's thick hide. "Go back to your master," the dragon laughs, "You
are no match for me." Put Out the Fires. Find Evidence of Dragon Attack.
屠龍者艾拉金 Elekin the Dragon
屠龍者Elekin自從重創了龍王後,就再也沒人見過他的身影。他可能還活著。你要試著招募這個偉大的戰士。經過數十日的搜索,你發現 Elekin
隱居在 Aretop山區的陰影裡。尋找 Elekin。找出 Elekin。No one has
seen Elekin the Dragon Slayer since the day he mortally wounded the Dragon
King, Bloodwing. He may still be alive. See if you can recruit the help of
this great warrior.After searching for many weeks, you locate Elekin living
as a hermit in the shadows of the Aretop mountains. Seek Out Elekin. Seek
Out Elekin.
水晶洞穴 The Crystal Caverns
Elekin lets out a sigh. "My Dragon Slayer Sword
is an artifact of immense power. I hid it within the treacherous Crystal Caverns
of Aretop." Seek the sword in the subterranean tunnels beneath Aretop. After
traveling for many miles deep within the tunnels, you see a dim light reflecting
from the tunnel walls. Slay Cave Bats. Find Hidden Path.
龍斬劍 Dragon Slayer
You see the glowing walls of the Crystal Cavern.
Huge crystals jut from the wall, emitting a faint glow that bounces around
the room. A giant rock worm slides to block your entrance! Find Rock
Worms Weakness. Retrieve Dragon Slayer.
“小心” 塞萊斯塔大喊,一條巨型的岩蟲從入口處爬了過了。你滾出他的攻擊範圍同時劍已出鞘。岩蟲用它的身體朝你衝撞,張嘴猛咬。你用盾擋住後展開反擊,不過你很快就發現自己的劍對這厚皮怪物來說一點用也沒有。塞萊斯塔大叫著要你過去她身邊。你急忙避開岩蟲扭曲盤據的身體,趕到塞萊斯塔身邊。塞萊斯塔的手發出紅光,同時在附魔火焰在你的劍上。一個閃神,岩蟲已經把你和塞萊斯塔包圍在它的身體間。你舉起附魔後的劍一刀砍向硬脆的外殼。岩蟲整個表皮變成紅色,你融化了它的岩石外殼。一劍入肉,你把劍更深的埋進岩蟲的身體中。你利用岩蟲的捲繞放鬆的空檔,一躍飛到它頭上。隨著你揮劍撕砍過岩蟲的頭後,它崩落在地上揚起灼人的熱雲。
"Look out" Celesta exclaims, as the giant rock
worm emerges from the entranceway. You roll out of its reach and unsheath your
weapon. The worm launches itself towards you, snapping its jaws. You block
its blow with your shield and strike back, but find that your sword is useless
against the creature's tough hide. Celesta yells at you to come to her side.
You quickly dash over to Celesta, avoiding the worm's twisting coils. Celesta's
hands glow red momentarily as she utters some incantations and enchants your
sword with a fiery glow. Before you can react, the worm has both you and Celesta
in its coils. You raise your enchanted sword and chop at the brittle hide.
The worm's skin begins to glow red as you melt away its rocky shell. Finding
flesh with your sword, you bury your weapon deep into the worm. You leap up
to the worm's head as his coils loosen their grip. The worm crashes to the
ground in a cloud of searing smoke as your sword tears through its head.
You look up ahead and see the Dragon Slayer Sword placed on top of a nearby
Crystal. Now it is time to end the Dragon of Angleston.
復仇 Vengeance
You find yourself back in Angleston, a charred
memory of what once was, glowing with a thick cloud of smoke choking the air.
You find the dragon resting nearby, exhausted from all the destruction he had
caused. Creep up to the dragon and extinguish the fire from his heart.
Using the Dragon Slayer you slowly creep up to the dragon and pierce the sword
deep into his heart. He growls a low rumble as the fire within him is quelled. "Bloodwing,
The dragon king shall soon be upon you." he hisses. Sneak Attack on Dragon. Prevent
Dragon's Escape
血紅之翼的龍王 Blood Wing King of the Dragons
血翼是最後一條古龍,Elekin 認為牠已經被殺死。看來他可能只是受傷了,多年來都躲著在養傷。在Aretop的火山山脈中尋找血翼。如果牠還活著,你應該能在那找到牠。你前Aretop山群,緩慢的爬上頂峰。當你到達山頂,血翼抬起牠充滿怒火的眼睛迎接你。前往Aretop。準備戰鬥。
Bloodwing was the last of the ancient dragons
that Elekin was thought to have killed. It is possible he was only wounded
in battle and has been nursing his scars for years. Seek Bloodwing in the volcanic
mountains of Aretop. If he still lives, you should find him there. You travel
to the mountains of Aretop, climbing slowly to its summit. As you reach the
top, the Dragon Bloodwing raises his fiery eyes to greet you. Ride to Aretop.
Prepare for Battle.
Aretop山脈 Mount Aretop
Bloodwing stares at you, his gaze fixed on your
weapon. He recognizes the Dragon Slayer. He launches himself in the air, far
away from your reach. Slowly the rest of your army reaches the summit. Engage
Bloodwing in battle and defeat him! Defeat Bloodwing. Deal Final Blow
to Bloodwing.
Bloodwing roars at you. The sound echos through
the mountains as flames engulf your army. The dragon's breath hits the ground
with explosive force, flinging you up in the air towards the center of the
volcano. Using the Dragon Slayer you dig deep into the dark rocks as you slide
down the crater. Below you can see crests of molten lava licking at the volcano
walls. Bloodwing keeps his distance in the sky pouring more dragon fire at
You leap horizontally, digging the Dragon Slayer
deep into the side of the volcano to support your weight as you dodge his
flames. Sheets of molten rock drip down from the mountain walls. Clawing
furiously, you begin a desperate climb up the crater. But the Dragon King
is not done yet. With a sweep of his tail rocks topple down from overhead.
You are caught in an avalanche of volcanic dust. Thinking quickly, you slice
through the rock with your sword and grasp at one of the larger pieces as
it falls into the crater of the volcano.
The rock makes a small splash in the thick lava,
and you breath deeply as you are safe on top. You see a path to some solid
ground and quickly leap over several giant rocks to safety. Bloodwing comes
at you again, and Mount Aretop seems to respond with a rumbling of its own.
The lava starts churning violently around you as the dragons breath consumes
the air. You raise your shield at the blast only to see it quickly disentegrate.
You dodge out of the way as the fire knocks the Dragon Slayer from your hands.
You see the runes on dragon slayer suddenly glow. Rolling over to pick it up
you brace for yet another fiery hurricane. This time you block the fire using
the massive width of the giant sword. Its runes glow even brighter, and you
feel a rush of power in your veins.
You quickly realize what Bloodwing does not know.
The sword consumes fire and grows stronger with it. You thrust the sword into
the lava. The molten rock thickens and smokes as the sword draws power from
the lava, channeling it into you. The crater is soon half crusted over with
sharp, but cool volcanic rock. You raise your sword, and touch your hands on
the hot rocks. You feel an immense power burning within you. Bloodwing this
time realizing that his breath will not defeat you comes down with a large
crash. He lumbers towards you, with black fire burning inside his eyes.
You swing the dragon slayer to the ground, causing
a large crack to form. The volcano rumbles and steam hisses from the cracks.
The Dragon King flaps his wings to keep balance and you leap to him. With uncanny
strength, you hurl yourself high in the air and bring the blade down on one
of his wings. Bloodwing screams in agony as he rips his wings from your prying
sword. He swipes at you with massive claws, tossing you into the steaming ground.
He drags his wings as he attempts to flee. You quickly take this chance and
leap at him before he can take off, digging your sword deep into his back.
You climb up the dragon, hewing at his flesh the entire way. Molten blood flow
from his wounds. Finally you reach his twisting head and sink the Dragon Slayer
deep into the back of his skull. A deafening roar erupts from the giant beast
and a massive fireball is launched into the air. You reel backwards as the
great dragon succumbs to your blade.