
nm_gehenna_large.jpg Gehenna, The Fire Elemental 煉獄革哈納,火之元素

沒想到還有前置啊.... 火元素就是在梅菲斯特那章的劇情結束後,接續的新故事



和梅菲斯特間那場不朽的爭戰已結束,但瓦萊里亞真正的風暴才剛剛開始。梅菲斯特為了開啓天界的通道,把水晶內的力量消耗殆盡,大地因而陷入一種失衡的狀態。破壞力十足的暴風狂襲,大地上到處出現從未見過的怪物在人們的村莊或據點肆虐。土之王國幾乎被毀壞殆盡。國王大流士下落不明。起而暴動的人民與日俱增越演越烈,人們急迫的尋找著一個能領導眾人脫離苦海的新領袖。The monumental battle 

between Mephistopheles has ended but the true turmoil for Valeria has only just begun. To reach the Kingdom of Heaven, Mephistopheles consumed the spirit crystals, and now the land has been thrown into imbalance. Devastating storms ravage the lands as mysterious new monsters appear, overrunning settlements and leveling villages. The Land of Earth has been decimated. King Darius is nowhere to be found. Uprisings among the people are growing ever more intense, and the people are looking for new leadership to deliver them from the misery that is the present.


In between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, a great disaster will occur that will affect the future of Valeria... 


王之火國的景況 Present Day in the Land of Fire
鐵心獅王:正對著黑鴉山脈附近的吉拉雅瀑布東方似乎進行著某種祕密行動。偵察隊5天前就出發前往調查,但是自從他們進入黑鴉山脈後,就一個字也沒傳回來音訊全無。我派你領一組最精英的人前往,查出到底怎麼回事。祝你一路平安。Leon Ironheart: Mysterious activity i

s happening to the east of the Falls of Jiraiya, towards the Karsas mountain range. A scouting party was sent five days ago to investigate but no word has been sent back from the scouting party since they reached the base of the Karsas mountains. I want you to take a team of your strongest men to head there and find out what is going on. Godspeed.

你:哥兒們快點!把訊傳回給火之王國的獅王和貴族。我們必需通知他們增援。如果讓這種怪獸離開,瓦萊里亞可能會完蛋的!A few days later in the Karsas mountains...
You: Quickly my friend! Send word back to Leon and the nobles in the Land of Fire. We must notify them to send reinforcements. If this beastly monster escapes, it could be the end of Valeria!

你看著你副司令馬背上的身影奔往洞穴的入口漸漸消失在遠方。而洞穴本身已經變成個活生生的生命體。混雜著狂爆奔湧的土石流及熔岩化的岩漿之間,一個雄壯的龐然大物已然成形,隨著它的目光已牢牢的盯住你的方向。你要引開火元素的注意力好讓戰友逃生,好讓他們去通知大家這即將到來的危險。你從沒見過火元素會變成這個樣子。到底怎麼回事,為什麼到處都有這種怪物出現?這塊土地真的不太對勁,但是問題是出在哪裡呢?You watch your second-in-command disappear into the distance as he rides toward the cavern exit. In this cavern, the land itself is coming to life. In the midst of a violent torrent of swirling earth and molten lava, a gargantuan creature has formed, and it has set its sights in your direction. You must distract the fire elemental to buy your comrade enough time to escape and notify the world of the impending danger. This fire elemental is unlike anything you have ever seen before. What is going on, and why are all of these monsters appearing? There is something amiss in the land but what could it be?


革哈納:你擔心你戰友的話,用不著擔心。我正希望他去告訴所有的人類,我對這片大地的責任就是清洗,把人類從世界中洗去。你們人類為這片土地帶來無法彌補的傷害。你們發動戰爭然後催毀腳下的土地。你們破壞自然不僅只是毀了你們自己還讓這世界的一切跟著陪葬。Gehenna: If you are worried for your comrade, worry not. I want him to spread word that my duty to this Land is to cleanse every mortal being from this world. You mortals have caused irreparable damage to this land. You wage wars and decimate the lands on which you fight. Through your destructive nature, you will not only destroy yourselves but all that is in this world.
You: I cannot speak for all of mankind, but there are those who are fighting to save this world. Your judgement will fall upon the blood of the corrupt but also on the blood of the innocent.
革哈納:確實不是你這個人的行為,但人類的天性就是會傷害土地。無人是無辜的! 我將用火焰洗淨這片土地!
Gehenna: It is not your individual actions but the very nature of humanity which harms this land. NONE of you are innocent! I will baptize this land with fire!


magic_fireball.jpg 三支巨柱分散在洞穴四週,所以你們的計劃需要分頭進行。你指示一個小隊的人馬往西邊的巨柱,另一隊往東邊去。你則和其餘的士兵朝北邊前進。革哈納先把注意力放在西側的小隊上。革哈納將火球一顆顆的往你的手下的人馬猛丟。幾個小隊中不幸的成員因為稍為落後,幾乎馬上就被火球吞噬殆盡。他們快到目的地了,不過要快。又有幾個士兵革哈納的火球給焚燒,但部分幸運的人馬已經趕到巨柱旁。革哈納的火球再次對著西邊的小隊飛去,只不過巨大的火球這次沒有擊中你的人手而是在巨柱上爆開來。高熱瞬間將固態巨岩組成的石柱熔化。隆隆作響間大量的碎片紛紛從穴頂落下。你只希望革哈納沒有察覺你的計劃。你的手下開始爭先恐後的由西往東撤退,但是革哈納幾乎馬上的把生路給斷了。他們的犧牲不會白費。革哈納現在把注意力放在東邊的巨柱上了。您的人已經到了東柱,準備襲擊革哈納。等一下!革哈納好像要發動攻擊,而且這次的感覺怪怪的和之前不太一樣。革哈納身體發出光線,你感覺整個洞穴裡的溫度開始上升。這八成沒好事。Gehenna attacks! A large fireball is launched towards your direction. You quickly roll to your left, narrowly dodging the large ball of flame. The heat from the fireball is immense. Boils start to form along your arm. There is no way you will be able to last against this horrid monster but you know you must prevent Gehenna from leaving this cavern. You look towards the cavern exit and wonder if you can seal the massive entrance. There are three columns which seem to support the cavern ceiling but you and your men would not be able to destroy them by yourselves. However, it might be possible to have Gehenna do the dirty work for you. Chances are slim that you will survive this encounter but it is your duty as servant to the Land of Fire to prevent this evil from emerging into the world. The three columns are dispersed around the cavern so you know you must spread out in order to execute this plan. You instruct a platoon of your men to head for the western column and another platoon to move towards the eastern column. You and the remaining soldiers will take the northern column. Gehenna turns his attention to the platoon heading to the west first. Gehenna slings fireball after fireball towards your platoon of men. The men lagging towards the end of platoon are not so lucky as they are incinerated immediately. They are almost there but they must hurry. Another few soldiers are incinerated by the fireblasts from Gehenna but luckily a few of your men have made it to the column. Gehenna launches another fireball at your men at the western column but instead of hitting your men the great ball of fire hits the column. The heat is so immense it immediately melts through the solid rock column. The cavern rumbles and debris starts to fall from the ceiling. You hope Gehenna has not caught onto your plan yet. Your men at the western column quickly scramble towards the eastern column but they are cut off immediately by Gehenna. Their sacrifices will not be forgotten. Gehenna now turns its attention towards the eastern column. Your platoon of men have already reached the eastern column and they prepare for the attack from Gehenna. Wait! Gehenna is about to attack but this is different from its other attacks thus far. Gehenna begins to glow and you can feel the temperature in the cavern rise. No good can come from this.
你:撤退。快!You: RETREAT. Quickly!

太遲了,革哈納從嘴裡噴出整條的熔岩流。高熱瞬間襲來。你的人甚至連躲避的機會都沒有。尖叫聲從今將永遠的縈繞你耳際...前提是你可以活過今天。這次熔岩只摧毀一小部分的東柱,它幾乎還是完整的。你現在只好把焦點轉回北邊的巨柱,希望結果能如你所願。革哈納把注意力放在你身上了。如果這次又像上回那樣,你就死定了,整個世界也躲不過被革哈納肆虐的下場。革哈納再度發動攻擊,但似乎不像是要發動熔岩攻擊。火球朝你飛來,而你輕鬆地閃避過攻擊。可惜的是,火球並沒打中石柱。你這次站定在石柱的正前方。革哈納再次回身準備另一次攻擊。你要等到最後一刻再閃開免得攻擊再次和石柱錯過。革哈納的巨掌中升起炙熱的火球。你耐心等待著。現在!你在火球爆炸前的最後一刻緃身一跳,火焰崩潰了北邊的巨柱。穴頂再次隆隆作響,不過這次從上面掉下來的是大石頭。你看了看東邊的巨柱,之前的攻擊應該夠了,等下就會自己垮下來了。現在是你逃出洞穴的機會。你示意剩餘的人馬撤退!It is too late Gehenna spews forth a stream of lava from his mouth. The attack is blazingly fast. Your men did not even have a chance to evade. Their screams will haunt you from this day forth... assuming you make it past this day. The lava attack partially destroyed the eastern column but it still remains intact. You can only concentrate on the northern column and hope for the best now. Gehenna turns his attention towards you now. If that attack comes again, it shall be your end and Gehenna shall escape wreak havoc on the world. Gehenna prepares to attack again but it does not seem like the lava attack. The fireball heads your way and you easily dodge the attack. However, the fireball does not hit the column. You re-position yourself in front of the column. Gehenna agains rears back to prepare for another attack. You must wait until the very last moment to dodge or else the attack will miss the column again. Gehenna launches the ball of fire from his mighty hand. You wait and wait. NOW! You jump away at the last possible moment and great fireball crashes against the rock column. The cavern ceiling begins to rumble again but this time large boulders fall from the ceiling. You look towards the eastern column and it looks like enough damage was done to it that it will collapse on itself. Now is your chance to escape the cavern. You motion your remaining men to head towards the exit!
Gehenna: Fools! You shall not deny me from cleansing this world!
You: I think I already have you horrid abomination!

The cavern is rumbling tremendously now. You realize you only have a few moments before the whole cavern collapses on itself. You and your men are no more than fifty yards from the exit. However, a sudden fireball streaks in front of you burning the two men that were just right in front of you. Gehenna launched a fireball at you and destroyed the path towards the exit!

革哈納:如果我走不得,你也別想走!Gehenna: If I cannot leave, neither shall you!

火球在你和洞口間留下一道深溝。你可以的。一定!你後退了幾步,然後對著深溝一衝。你的視線放在在對岸的邊緣。你把所有剩餘的力量往腳上集中好縮短和對岸的差距。你成功了!現在要向出口快速衝刺!The last attack left a gap about between where you stand and the path towards the exit. You can make it. You must! You backtrack a few steps and burst towards the gap. Your eyes focus on the ledge across the way. You send all the remaining strength to you legs and propel yourself across the gap. You have made it! Now quickly sprint towards the exit!


此時你知道自己回不去火之王國了。革哈納不會放過你。你回想起你的朋友、戰友和家人。從今而後瓦萊里亞將再也回不到過去。你回眸看著革哈納,他又開始發光。洞裡的溫度飇升到難以承受。你雙眼因為高熱而刺痛但你還是盯著革哈納不放。它變成一個亮白的紅光,彷彿是某種無限的能量。然後一瞬間整個洞穴都充斥著無盡的白,而你什麼都感覺不到了。You realize that you will not make it back to the Land of Fire now. Gehenna will not allow it. You quickly remember your friends, your fellow soldiers, and your family. Valeria will not be the same from the day forth. Your eyes turn back towards Gehenna and again he begins to glow. The temperature in the cavern is unbearable. Your eyes sting from the intense heat but you continue to stare at Gehenna. It has turned a bright red as if it was reaching to hit a critical mass. Then in an instant the entire cavern turns white and you feel nothing.


在黑鴉山脈事件發生後數天之間,只能用混亂來形容。流言傳遍大地,都在猜測是什麼造成這種破壞。土之王國聲稱是因為火之王國偷偷在練習黑魔法,而火之王國則是堅決否認。戰爭後的餘燼和混亂籠罩。這塊土地的英雄呢。你,曾被一些人傳頌為世界的救星的你,下落不明。你在巨大的爆炸中喪生? 或是你找到逃生的路? 人們對你那一刻發生什麼事,有著許多不同的猜測...The following days after the incident which destroyed the Karsas mountains can be best described as chaos. Misinformation spread throughout the lands as to what the cause of the destruction was. The Land of Earth claimed that the Land of Fire had been practicing dark magic, which the Land of Fire vehemently denied. The embers of war and chaos are in the air. But where is the Land's Hero. You, who have been spoken by some as the world's savior is nowhere to be found. Were you caught in the force of the immense explosion, or did you find a path of escape during what many believe were your last fleeting moments? 

    創作者 CHIBC-暗月之鏡 的頭像


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