Castle Age 堡壘世紀 第四大關Land of Water 水之王國 任務劇情翻譯
BOSS是 梅菲斯特 Mephistopheles 梅菲斯特算是串起整個任務劇情的主要角色
這關也出產 前最強攻擊的demi神打臉劍 XD
靠的是神奇石中劍的自動導航 XD
所以這不算攻略 XDD , 攻略可能要等到我夜校畢業吧....
CA 中文遊戲名因為沒有官方版本,所以有以下每種可能的翻譯
Castle Age 城堡世紀、城堡紀元、城堡年代還是堡壘大地等等....
然後我自己決定翻成 Castle Age 堡壘世紀 ,暗月版本的中文遊戲名 XD
一般人都是翻 城堡年代 吧....
This cursed land was once filled with lush fields and flowing rivers. Now this land is dying and a sinister air lingers. The Crystal of Water's power no longer sustains this land. We must find out what evil fate has befallen it.
背叛之地 The Betrayed Lands
The betrayed lands once used to be part of the water kingdom, the source of life for all of the land.Dragons have spawned from the fiery jets that have consumed this land. Several are coming your way now. Prepare for Battle!
第二水聖殿 The Second Temple of Water
原來的聖殿已經崩塌化為餘燼及細塵。這片土地背後所面對的墮落是種無可比擬的邪惡!一隻小惡魔蹣跚的走在前頭,接著是成隊的土系及火系惡魔 ...
The original Temple of Water has been reduced to ash and cinder. A corruption beyond any evil this realm has faced is behind this! An imp lurches forward, followed by a full army of earth and fire demons...
艾爾斯要塞 The Keep of Isles
You are close to the source of evil. The Holy Symbols power would be a match for this evil, where could it have gone? As you contemplate the question, Gargoyles, Demon spawns, and a giant Black Dragon charge at you from within the keep.
焰燒的地穴 The Smoldering Pit
Sephor,是你叔父Cefka 的左右手,突然從一個巨大的地穴中出現。他的身後跟著一黑暗的軍團,來自火之王國的食屍鬼、獸人、巨人和巨魔墮落了神聖信物的力量!
Sephor, right hand to your uncle, Cefka, emerges from a giant pit. Behind him is an army of darkness, ghouls, orcs, giants, and trolls all from the land of fire who have corrupted the Holy Symbols power!
惡魔變換 A Demonic Transformation
你的前方赫見一個火焰巨人的陰影。它有黑色的羽毛和翅膀,蓄滿烈火的隻眼回望著你。你發現這是Cefka,你的邪惡叔叔,他變成了一個大小宛如黑龍的夢魘墮天使。他橫起他的巨劍指向你,並用熔岩在地上刻過一道的痕跡。A Giant Fiery shadow looms ahead of you. Its wings are feathery and black, and giant fire eyes gaze back at you. You realize it is Cefka, your evil uncle, transformed into a Hellish Nightmare Angel the size of a Black Dragon. He Slashes his giant sword at you, carving the ground with lava.
深入黑暗 A Look into the Darkness
你已接近漫長旅途的結束 ...你發現自己就站在水之城堡前方。城堡大門開啟,Cefka王的軍隊等著出來迎接你。你準備好要迎戰了 ...
You have reached the end of a long journey... and you find yourself before the Castle of Water. The castle gates open and the armies of King Cefka come out to meet you. You ready for battle...
The roar of steel against steel and swords pounding on shields drowns out the sound of warriors collapsing on cracked earth.
You leave a trail of fallen warriors in your wake, carving your way to your target. Your battle with the Kingdom of Water is in full force.
你將倒落於懷中的戰士留在後方,堅定的往目標前進。 你的對手是力量全滿的水之王國。
You are breathing heavily as another enemy drops before you, and you catch your first glance of your Evil Uncle Cefka. He is not what you remember.
You allow your eyes to close for an instant as you recall a memory in your childhood of Cefka and his armies riding home with the sound of horns and trumpets sounding in the background. He seemed so gallant then with banner in hand raised in victory after liberating this land from the Orc Horde...
你閉上眼,孩提時的記憶瞬間在眼前鮮活了起來,你看到 Cefka 領著他的軍隊在號角及喇叭聲中凯旋歸來,他英勇的高舉代表勝利的旗幟,宣告這片土地已經從半獸人手中獲得自由...
The memory fades, and you are back in the present. Now Cefka stands before you. His face is pale, almost bluish, and his eyes are distant and cold.
Your battle begins and he charges in your direction! His strikes are powerful and swift, and you are pushed back, almost losing your step. However Cefka is not the warrior he once was, and you quickly regain your footing and push him back. The exertion is too much for his failing body...
你們的戰鬥展開,他往你這衝來! 他的攻擊充滿力量且快速,你被壓的不住後退幾乎站不穩腳步。 然而,Cefka 已不再是當年那個勇士,很快的你就穩下來並開始回擊,沒用什麼力氣他就倒下了...
You hear Cefka begin to cough as dark smoke begins to emit from his body, and his eyes begin to glow with a faint eery light. His cough becomes a small chuckle, and grows into a deep slow laugh.
你聽見 Cefka 開始咳嗽同時一股黑煙開始從他身上散發出來,他的雙眼閃爍著微弱而異色的光芒,嗆咳很快的變成一抹詭笑然後發展為低沈緩慢的笑聲。
Cefka: You dare challenge me! I will enjoy the sound of the screams from the pain and agony I will deliver to you and your men!
Cefka:你好大的膽子居然敢挑戰我! 馬上我將可以享受到,我為你和你的士兵帶來的絕望且痛苦的慘叫!
He rushes at you once more, but you are quicker and drive your blade into his body... It is not a time for victory. There is a loud thunderous roar, and a large explosive force launches you back. You are forced to shield your eyes with your arms from the heat and light in front of you. A large dominating figure rises before you. Five of your men charge the new enemy, and they are crushed with one swipe of its fist.
他再一次朝你進攻,但你更快一步的把刀刺入他的身體... 只是勝利的時刻仍未來臨。一陣有如雷嗚的聲音響起,在你的背後發生巨大的爆炸。你被迫用手臂擋住雙眼免於眼前高熱及強光的傷害。一個巨大的身影在眼前升起,你的五個士兵被新敵人揮過的拳頭粉碎在當場。
他再一次朝你進攻,但你更快一步的把刀刺入他的身體... 只是勝利的時刻仍未來臨。一陣有如雷嗚的聲音響起,在你的背後發生巨大的爆炸。一道無法直視的強光從爆炸出湧出,你被迫用手臂擋住雙眼免於眼前高熱及強光的傷害。強光消散後你在原來的地方看見一道裂痕,和這裡截然不同的是個充滿高熱硫磺及惡魔的世界,當你的視力恢復後發現有個身影在不遠處,那是誰? 或者說那是什麼東西?
He rushes at you once more, but you are quicker and drive your blade into his body... It is not a time for victory. There is a loud thunderous roar, and a large explosive force launches you back. There is a blinding light from the source of the explosion. You are forced to shield your eyes with your arms from the heat and light in front of you. As the bright light dissipates, you can see a small rift in its place. Through the rift, it seems to be a completely different world filled with fiery brimstone and demons. As your eyes come to focus, you can see a figure in the distance. Who or what could it be?
Mephistopheles: I am freeee!!! Nowww... There will be nothing... to protect you... Cower before me as you meet... Your enddd!
梅菲斯特: 我終於自由啦!!! 現在... 再也沒有任何人...可以保護你...像剛才阻礙的那些一樣....你的死期到了!!
You continue to stumble back in awe from the infernal demon before you... The crash of his every stomp toward you rings your ears and resounds deeply in your soul. Your head begins to fill with horrid images. You begin to see people in pain, of people in deep suffering, of people burning...
Then a soothing voice calls out to you. It begins to sound louder...
Holy Avenger: Wield Me...
The dark images begin to fade...
Holy Avenger: Wield Me...
You feel strength in your arms, and you push yourself to your feet.
Holy Avenger: I will help you push back the darkness...
神聖的復仇者: 我會幫助你趨除黑暗....
Mephistopheles: I have heard your Voice before. It... it cannot be! I will not be stopped. Nothing will prevent my return!
梅菲斯特: 我聽過你的聲音。這...這不可能! 我是無敵的。 沒有任何事可以阻止我重返!
Mephistopheles pounds the ground with his arms and lunges toward you, his gigantic fist coming to crush your entire body. Your arms lift as if controlled by your blade.
梅菲斯特 用他的手臂敲擊地面並且你這飛來,要用他的巨拳來粉碎你的身體。你的手就像被刀牽引著似的舉了起來。
As if by instinct you slice up at his approaching fist and cut through his hand as if it were water.
His fist begins to seethe and dissipate into black smoke. Mephistopheles screams in agony and takes a step back. Your blade flashes bright white, ignited by some mystical force. The momentum cannot be stopped.
The Holy Avenger is hungry. You launch your assault. With every strike, the demon's body begins to lose its physical form, and its roaring voice grows fainter. Your final strike slices through air, and you realize he is gone...
神聖的復仇者是飢渴的。你發動了攻擊。 每一擊都讓惡魔的一部分身體失去實體,他的哀嚎也顯的越來越暗淡,當最後的一擊劃過空中時,你明白他已經消失了...
An uneasy feeling lingers, and you hear the demon's voice in your mind.
一種令人不快的感覺浮上,你聽到惡魔在腦海中對你說: Mephistopheles: It is too late for your world. My ritual with the water crystal is complete and a rift between our two worlds is open. Relish your short peace while it lasts...
梅菲斯特: 你的世界已經沒救了。我在水之水晶的儀式已經完成,兩界的裂口已經開啓。在你短暫的和平還在時好好的品嚐吧...
Then there is silence. You look around you and see that your men are victorious in battle. You go over to your Uncle's broken body and find the Crystal of Water in his grasp. As you take hold of the crystal, you feel a light drop on your face. Then another. Drops of water from the sky begin to pound on dry cracked soil. For the first time since you can remember, the Land of Water is raining...
註: 梅菲斯特 Mephistopheles 是浮士德故事中提到的惡魔,在故事中用實現願望來交易靈魂,後來被當成典型惡魔的名字。
特別附贈,墨菲性轉版~ 因為答應社團了所以畫的 XD
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