
Castle Age 堡壘世紀 第三大關Land of Mist 霧之王國 任務劇情翻譯
第三關的BOSS: 希爾瓦納 精靈魔法女王 Sylvanas the Sorceress Queen


某次更新之後就變成由曾畫過WOW 魔獸世界人物設定的畫師 GENZO 所繪
整個就是整型大改造 XDD


This Elven land is covered in mist and shadow. The closest country to the cursed land of water, only it's elusive nature keeps the forces of evil at bay.
A great tower lies in the heart of the Elven Land. Within it are the guardians of the Crystal of Air. Find your way to the tower to retrieve the third ancient artifact...

quest_back_11.jpg 極地的迷霧之丘 Misty Hills of Boralis
Imbued with underwater breathing by Celesta, your army finally surfaces. A throng of snow giants greets you, smiling angrily and brandishing massive clubs. They will not let you escape!

quest_back_12.jpg 守護Corelan 
The Keep of Corelan
The stone face of the Elven King Corelan is etched on these mountains. Through his stone mouth lies the city of Triste. Suddenly his jaws open and an army of orcs rush out with their heavy axes and catapults.

quest_back_13.jpg 特里斯特 Triste
You fight your way to Triste, only to find that the city has been taken over by the Orc general Gildamesh. You learn that his army had crushed the Elite Noble Elves of Triste. Save Triste from this evil!

quest_back_14.jpg 特里斯特墓地 Mausoleum of Triste
It seems that the elves retreated inside the mausoleum and escaped using the hidden passages. It is said that the mausoleum of Triste held a great evil. Ahead, you see a bright light, and General Gildamesh and his elite guards fighting King Corelan of the Elves. Defeat him!

quest_back_15.jpg 奇蹟洞穴 The Cave of Wonder
It appears that Gildamesh had awaken the Ice Beast of legend and injured the Elven King. The cavern quakes. You must fight this beast on its own turf! Celesta prepares the buffs for a massive healing spell as you tighten your grip on your weapon.

風暴之眼 Eye of the Storm
You journey to the mystical land of the Elves in search of the Crystal of Air... You seek to recover the four Elemental Crystals in hope to save this world. It is rumored to reside in the tower of a beautiful elven Sorceress.

一路踩過成群的獸人和不死怪物,你終於到達塔頂,踏入一個有王座的黑暗房間 ...
Battling through hordes of orcs and undead monsters, you reach the top of the tower, and step into a dark throne room...

Celesta: 希爾瓦納...你瘋了嗎?你是什麼意思?!
Celesta: Sylvana... Have you gone mad? What is the meaning of this?!! 

希爾瓦納: 天真的小Celesta ...你真是傻瓜!一旦我們收集到所有的水晶,梅菲斯特將進入這個世界,並開創一個新的時代。
Sylvana: Naive little Celesta... You are a fool! Once we gather all the Crystals, Mephistopheles will enter this world and usher in a new era. 

The exchange is cut short as orcs pour into the room. 
Suddenly, the room flashes white and Celesta screams. When your vision returns, Celesta is on the floor writhing in pain. There is no time to waste. You drive your blade deep into the chest of the first orc and your men are quick to follow suit. Once again the orcs are no match for your forces and are driven back. You call out to your men to seal the door, but no sound comes from your mouth...

你...不能動 ...You... cannot move... 
A soft slender hand slowly rests on your shoulder, and you feel the warmth of Sylvana's breath behind your ear. 

Sylvana whispers: "The Darkness rewards those who embrace it."

你聽到一個響亮的掌聲從Celesta的方向傳來,你發現你可以動了!你快速的提起刀刃對準Sylvana 的脖子,但你猶豫了一下...
You hear a loud clap from Celesta's direction, and you find you are able to move again! You quickly turn and raise your blade to Sylvana's neck, but you hesitate...

Sylvana: "Think about it..." 

Sylvana 的嘴唇彎成一抹微笑,慢慢地淡出溶入霧裡消失在黑暗中。
Sylvana's lips curl into a smile as her form slowly fades into a mist and disappears into the darkness. The room is silent. At the side of the room, you see Celesta looking back at you with concern in her eyes... At this moment, a bright glimmer catches your attention. At the end of the room above the throne is an orb bathed in swirling white lights.

Sylvanas: You cannot stop what has begun. Your fates has been decided and the destruction of this world is inevitable.
Celesta: Why are you doing this? Mephistopheles will destroy all the lands including the Sacred Forests. This will mean the end of the Elven race. You should know this well.
Sylvanas: The Elves have become nothing more than pompous fools who argue politics and wage war against each other. We are no better than the humans at this point. With the destruction of the Sacred Forest, we will purge the world and it will be reborn.
Celesta: Mephistopheles will never make this happen. He is vile and twisted and only destruction will follow. Please reconsider Sylvanas! Just surrender and we'll go back to the Elven Council and plead your case.
Sylvanas: You are a bigger fool than I thought if you think the Elven Council will ignore my transgressions at this point. I have cast the die and will see this to the very end. Your meddling ends here!

lightning_storm.jpg Sylvanas開始咏唱魔咒。在你反應過來前,一個閃電球已出現在Sylvanas的手上。你可以聽到和空氣碎烈熱度升驣。你才在奇怪Sylvanas為何不會被燒到。結論都還沒想到,她的閃電球就往你身上招呼了。你有幾個人不幸地沒躲過,而你是差點沒閃掉。它在城牆上開了個洞像是開在葉片上一樣。
Sylvanas begins to chant a magical spell. Before you can react, a ball lightning forms in the cusp of Sylvanas's hand. You can hear the air crackling and the heat is intense. You wonder how Sylvanas is not being burned by it. Before you can finish that thought, she hurls the ball lightning at you. A few of your men are not so lucky to dodge it but you are barely able to sidestep it. It crashes against the castle wall and leaves a gaping hole.

Celesta: I'll need some time but I know a way to stop her. Buy me some time and lead her into the middle of room. I will give you the signal when I am ready.

You grasp your weapon tightly and charge at Sylvanas. You dodge the lightning spells she sends your way and close the distance. You take a couple of heavy swings at her but she evades them with ease. Sylvanas quickly starts chanting and waves her right hand toward you. You are sent flying back through the air. You crash against the wall and have the wind knocked out of you. As you look up another ball lightning is headed your way. You close your eyes and brace for impact as there is no time to avoid the spell. You can feel the intense heat burn your skin. Then in an instant, it's gone.

hero_terra.jpg 泰拉:趴下!我對你施放了防護咒文。現在是你的機會,幹掉她。
Terra: Get to your feet! I have cast a Barrier on you. Now is your chance to take her down.
You quickly jump to your feet. You will need a plan this time. You adjust your armor and charge back in at Sylvanas.
Sylvanas: You are no match for me!
這次你同樣對Sylvana 使用幾個重擊,她和之前一樣,輕鬆地避開了攻擊,開始她的咏唱。
Again you take a couple of heavy swings at Sylvanas but just as she had done previously, she avoids the strikes with ease and begins her chant.
It is the same spell as before as you had hoped for! In an instant, you are sent flying back. However, this time you are ready for it. You take the dagger from your belt and throw it at Sylvanas! Sylvanas jumps out of the way but the dagger blade grazes her left shoulder.

Sylvanas: How dare you human!

You: Now I've got you! Celesta! Now!

Celesta finishes her spell and a green rune appears at Sylvanas's feet. It is a drain life spell! The rune rises up from Slyvanas's [sic] feet and encircles her body and appears to tighten around her. Sylvanas screams in pain. The drain life spell ceases and Sylvanas falls to the floor.
Sylvanas: This will not be the last of me!

Sylvanas again begins to chant. This time a large portal appears and Sylvanas crawls into it. The portal closes quickly. It feels like all the air in the room has been sucked out of the room. Sylvanas is gone.

You: So now where?

Celesta: We cannot take more time chasing after Sylvanas. We must head east to the Land of Water. Hopefully we will be able to find the source of all this evil energy there.



打敗後的女王名字多了個 s , 因為我英文實在不好,所以不知道多那個s是啥意思= =+ 

根據Sih-Wei Jhang 提供的情報,加上s之後的精靈女王變成 希瓦納斯
就和魔獸世界裡面的被遺忘者女王 女妖王希瓦娜斯‧風行者 同名啦



阿爾薩斯率領亡靈天災侵入奎爾薩拉斯,將精靈圍困在脆弱的防線後。銀月城的遊俠領袖希爾瓦娜斯 · 風行者雖然奮勇戰鬥,但仍不敵阿爾薩斯的大軍;阿爾薩斯摧枯拉朽般地擊潰了精靈的部隊,順利進入了太陽之井。為了展示他的力量及殘酷的手段,他把希爾瓦娜斯的遺體變成永遠不死的女妖,並永遠向阿爾薩斯這個奎爾薩拉斯的征服者效忠。

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