
Castle Age 劇情翻譯-半神Ambrosia


所以就從大改造後變的像舞孃 XD 的Ambrosia任務劇情下手囉~



歡迎來到我的神廟,年輕的勇士。 我可以能將無盡的智慧及力量授與像你這樣的人。我可以預見你的未來。
Welcome to my Temple young warrior. There is much knowledge and power that I can bestow upon one such as you. I foresee greatness in your future.
Her symbol represents: Wisdom, Knowledge, and Magic. She shines her light on the inventive and those that explore the arcane. Those aligning with her Star are imbued with mystical powers. 


eq_sylvanus_lantern.jpg被綁架的公主 A Kidnapped Princess
Warrior, King Corelan of the Elves requires your assistance in finding his daughter. She has been captured by a band of dark elves. Find out where these elves are keeping the princess.
While tracking down the princess' whereabouts, you find one of her slippers next to a strange golden amulet. Find the Dark Elves. Question Dark Elf Prisoners.

精靈魔法師 The Elven Sorceress
'Only one person I know has an amulet like that,' Ambrosia recalls. It may be that the dark elf sorceress Sylvanas has kidnapped the princess. She is powerful and pursuing her will be dangerous. You practice Dispell Magic.
Train with Ambrosia. Learn Counterspell. 

Artanis.jpg尋找蛛絲馬跡 The Search for Clues
Artanis:'勇士,精靈刃衛將會在此協助你追查公主的下落。歡迎你加入我們一起找尋她。加入精靈刃衛Artanis和他一起追踪希爾瓦納斯。Artanis幫助你在黑暗的洞穴跟踪希爾瓦納.. 與Artanis同行。尋找希爾瓦納。
Artanis: 'Warrior, the elven blades and I will assist you in tracking down the princess. We would like you to join us in tracking her down.' Join Artanis and the Elven Blades as you track down Sylvanas. Artanis helps you track down Sylvanas in a dark hidden cave.. Join Up with Artanis. Track Sylvana.

隱藏的巢穴 The Hidden Lair
As you approach the cave, you are greeted by a pair of cultist guards. The corridors of the cave are lit by candles dotting the sides of the walls. Ahead you hear chanting and praying.

magic_demoncircle.jpg 黑暗沉悶的氣氛瀰漫在空氣中。一道紅光在你前方。當你往前接近那道光,你看到各式的蠟燭,圍成儀式的圓形。你看到公主就躺圈外的石桌上。暗精靈女巫─希爾瓦娜斯,正對著她緩慢地吟唱著同時降下她手中血淋淋的匕首。擊退更多的邪教衛隊。攻進祈禱室。
A dark brooding atmosphere permeates the air. A red glow can be seen ahead of you. As you advance closer to the glow, you see an assortment of candles, arranged around a ritual circle. Upon the circle you see the princess lying atop a stone table. The dark elf sorceress, Sylvanas, is chanting slowly as she lowers a bloodied dagger from her hands.Dispatch More Cultist Guards. Approach the Prayer Chamber. 

“塞萊斯塔,Artanis,我很高興你們能加入。你們見證了神聖的儀式,開通黑暗之門!”塞萊斯塔試著想說些什麼,但希爾瓦娜斯已經用法術封了她的嘴。精靈刃衛Artanis加入戰鬥急著要拯救公主。“為時已晚了”希爾瓦納斯說。您解開希爾瓦納斯的咒語後扶住塞萊斯塔並趕去幫助 Artanis。塞萊斯塔和希爾瓦娜斯開始用魔力在決鬥。利用希爾瓦納斯分神,你查看公主的情況。匕首只劃了淺淺的傷口,但她似乎被催眠了。你再次施放抵消魔法公主醒了過來。突然,一陣由能量引起的碎裂聲在空氣中爆響,Ambrosia出現在房間裡。希爾瓦納斯驚喘,迅速往一個隱藏的通道逃離。公主得救了,但付出了什麼樣的代價?
Celesta gasps and Sylvanas quickly spins around.
"Celesta, Artanis, I am glad of you to join. You are witnessing a sacred ritual, the opening of a Black Portal!" Celesta tries toPR.jpg speak, but Sylvanas has already sealed her lips using a spell. Artanis and the elven blades rush into battle to save the princess. "It is too late" Sylvanas says. You dispel Sylvanas' hold on Celesta and rush in to aid Artanis. Celesta engages Sylvanas in a duel of magic. As Sylvanas is distracted, you inspect the princess. The dagger had only given her a superficial wound, but she seemed to be in a trance. You cast dispel magic again and the princess breaths to life. Suddenly the air crackles with energy and Ambrosia appears in the room. Sylvanas gasps, and quickly escapes through a hidden passageway. The princess is saved, but at what cost?

黑暗之門 The Black Portal

The Black Portal that Sylvanas speaks of is a bridge between different worlds. Although I was able to contain the Black Portal, there could be more being created in our world. A demonic army has been seen marching nearby. Find out if they are connected to the Black Portals.
You come across creatures unlike anything you have ever seen. Horned demons with blackish purple skin and glowing green eyes. You follow the demon soldiers back to their source.Close the Black Portal. Find the Demonic Army.


黑暗的根源 The Source of Darkness
當你的軍隊一路在成群的惡麼中殺出血路,一個巨大的身影從門裡浮現。一個擁有巨大翅膀的惡魔,張揚著扭曲的角還有燃燒似的綠眼直視著你。打敗惡魔守衛。摧毀黑暗之門。In the forest of Ashes, you are confronted by hundreds of demonic soldiers. Two Devastating demonic giants guard what seems to be a black gate. From a distance, you can clearly see hordes of soldiers coming out of these gates. Charge the gates and destroy it!'
As your army cuts their way through hordes of demons, a giant figure emerges from the gates. A large winged demon, with gnarled horns and burning green eyes challenges you. Defeat the Demonic Guards. Destroy the Black Gate.

Chimerus.jpg毀滅的先鋒 The Vanguard of Destruction
Chimerus,惡魔將軍步出黑暗之門。'人類,我是毀減的先鋒。很快你就將臣服於偉大的梅菲斯特。你驚恐的看著Chimerus抬起手把你兩個士兵燒成一團火焰。阻止Chimerus並摧毀黑暗之門!打敗 Chimerus。摧毀黑暗之門。
Chimerus, the demon general steps out of the gates. 'Mortal, I am the vanguard of destruction. Soon you will cower before lord Mephistopheles.' You look in horror as Chimerus raises his hand and ignites two of your men into flames. Stop Chimerus and destroy the Black Portal!
Defeat Chimerus. Destroy the Black Portal.


our army seems to be no match for Chimerus. His powers seem to grow with every soldier he knocks down. Soon he is upon you and Celesta, bringing the weight of his demonic blade upon your shield.

“可悲的人類,你無處可逃。”"Cower mortal, for there is no escape."

lightning_storm.jpg 你和塞萊斯塔試著合力用法術癱瘓他,但失敗了。忽然,在一陣刺目的煙霧中Ambrosia出現在你身邊。You and Celesta try to combine spells to paralyze the demon but to no avail. Suddenly, in a flash of blinding smoke, Ambrosia appears beside you.

隨著你的魔法爆發擊中Chimerus,他跪倒下來。你的士兵開始圍攻他,但不管是用刀或斧頭攻擊全都反彈了。趁現在Chimerus處於癱瘓狀態你趕忙衝向黑暗之門。閃電撕裂門柱,你一招把門戶的符文燒成焦黑。黑暗之門緩緩關閉,消失在虛無之中。你注視著被麻痹的 Chimerus 的同時,你的軍隊清除了剩餘的惡魔勢力。

"I shall lend you a hand warrior. Demons are born of mortals who sell their souls for power. With our combined powers we can revert this great beast into the mortal being he once was."
As the full blast of your spells hit Chimerus, he falls to his knees. Your soldiers descend upon him but their swords and axes bounce back as they hit him. Taking advantage of Chimerus' paralyzed state you rush at the Black Portal. Lightning tears through the pillars, you turn the runic gates into char. The Black Portal slowly closes, then fizzles out into emptiness.
You look at Chimerus, still in a stunned state as your army finishes off the remaining demonic forces.




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