
沒錯,內文是英文的,因為和上一篇 20年前的紅毛猩猩


不然以我的爛文法及拼字,這篇八成讓老外都看不懂 XDD 

而且為了剛好一頁A4還刪掉了不少橋段 XD


When I was a child, there was an abandoned bank quarters and not so far from my home. The building covered with the plants and there were some trees on the roof. An empty space next to the building was surrounded by the ditch.

There was a playground for all the kids who lived near here. We could catch the small fish and shrimp from the ditch. We hid the puppy under the bush, played hide-and-seek and also played the basketball.

One Saturday afternoon, my younger brother am I brought some silkworm from the school and we needed the mulberry leaves to feed them. We searched around the neighborhood and finally found one which was in someone’s backyard where was next to the abandoned quarters. But the leaves were too high to get.

After discussion, we found a solution. I stood on my brother’s back and climbed up the truck which was parking in front of the wall. Fortunately I could catch the leaves on the top of the truck.

At the moment I got the leaves, we heard the hostess was shouting “What are you doing! Get out of there!” and we just got the leaves and ran away very fast.

We have never played in the empty ground since we grew up. Years later, the playground was built some new apartments. And now there are no more green trees and small fishes in the ditch.

Sometimes when I walk pass those apartments after work. I am wondering what my neighborhood friends doing and who is living there now. 



會不會心中存著懷疑: 「哪裡有這種讓小孩子玩的空地啊?」 或者是 「哪裡有地方讓小學生打棒球? 」



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