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Castle Age 堡壘世紀 第八大關 Kingdom of Heaven 天上界 任務劇情翻譯
第八關 BOSS是 怒天使 Azriel

這也是Genzo 畫的插圖,不過我覺得還是精靈女王和蓮花比較正 XD

攻略的方式和火山龍王 巴哈姆特一樣的複雜,血量也更多,不過這似乎是主線劇情的最後一章了
其實8王出一陣子啦,剛好我在畢業考期間,所以一直沒空翻譯 XD

這次很感謝FB的ChiChang Wu 寄劇情給我,他還有自己先翻譯好了呢...不好意思我拖到現在才翻出來Orz


經過了長久的旅行,你終於回家回到自己的世界却發現土之王國成了一片癈墟。梅菲斯特已經入侵過了,就在你離家而缺席無法防守的這段時間。這難道是這惡魔之王的打算,讓你窮追著到整個惡魔王國的深處,而每到一個地方總是只被他的手下阻擋? 難不成凱拉、蓮花、斯卡爾都的犧牲都只是為了能多拖延一點你回到家的時間? 你在風中呼求著答案,回應的只有無盡的沈默包圍著這殘破世界的回音。After a long journey, you've come home to your world and have found the Kingdom of Earth in ashes. Mephistopheles's invasion is over, and you were absent in your home's defense. Was it the Demon King's intention all along for you to chase him into the depths of Demon Realm only to find his minions stop you at every corner? Were Kiera, Lotus, And Skaar mere sacrifices only to delay your return home if but for a moment? You call out to the wind for answers, but you only hear a deep and resounding silence, the echo of a broken world.

quest_heaven_1.jpg 重返家園 The Return Home
整座城市殘破不堪。大多數的建築物都被摧毀,大火過後的餘燼仍在燃燒。你眼角的餘光發現有東西在動,你本能地進入備戰狀態。是一大群的獸人強盜! 打敗獸人巡邏小隊、撲滅火災
The town is in ruins. Most of the buildings have been destroyed and the embers of great fires still burn. You see something move out of the corner of your eye and you instinctively prepare for battle. It is a large group of orc marauders!Defeat Orc Patrol. Extinguish the Fires


quest_heaven_2.jpg 大肆破壞 Destruction Abound
Those were no ordinary party of orcs. They seem almost demonic and full of uncontrolled rage. The first thing you must do is find out what has happened while you were gone.
Survey the Surroundings. Find Survivors.

quest_heaven_3.jpg 大軍入侵 The Invasion
You are able to rescue some of the survivors from the town and they inform you that a great demon and its armies invaded once you left for the Demon Realm. Could it be that the great demon was Mephistopheles? Rescue Survivors.Look For Clues.

quest_heaven_4.jpghero_vulcan.jpg Vulcan的秘密 Vulcans Secret
Vulcan 來找你。長期的戰爭似乎讓他疲備不堪他告訴你,你想要的答案就落在危險的南方群山上。Vulcan 雖然說的神神秘秘的,但他看來十分的確定。領軍南向而去。質問 Vulacn,前往南方之路。
Vulcan approaches you. He seems weary from what seems long periods of battle. He instructs you that your answer lies atop the dangerous mountains to the south. Vulcans answer is mysterious but he seems sure of himself. To the south you head.Question Vulcan. The Ride South.

quest_heaven_5.jpg 王者之劍的力量 Power of Excalibur
The climb to the top of the mountain was treacherous but you have finally arrived. You feel the pulse of Excalibur grow as you approach the peak. What comes next?
Climb the Mountain. Crossing the Chasm.

quest_heaven_6.jpg 天堂之路 Path to Heaven
You hold Excalibur towards the heavens and a warm, glowing light shines down upon you. As the skies part, a luminescent pathway towards the heavens materializes in front of you. Do you have the courage to proceed?Channel Excalibur. Ascent to the Skies.

quest_heaven_7.jpg 天堂之門 Gateway
As you take your last step up from the heavenly pathway, you arrive at a large gateway. It seems there is some magical barrier preventing you from proceeding. You must find a way through. Investigate the Gateway. Breach the Barrier.

quest_heaven_8.jpg 雲中之城 City of Clouds
The City of Clouds seems to be in a state of disarray. Better to stay out of sight than to get into a confrontation. Too late! You are spotted by a group of Angelic Sentinels.
Sneak into the City. Defeat Angelic Sentinels.

quest_heaven_9.jpg 伊琳橋 Bridge of Elim
You can see a formidable fortress in the distance. You must cross the bridge to get there but it will be difficult to get across without being detected by more guards.
Avoid the Guards. Cross the Bridge.

quest_heaven_10.jpgsoldier_seraphim.jpg 天譴要塞 Judgement Stronghold
The Judgement Stronghold is heavily guarded by Angelic Sentinels and even the more daunting Seraphims. As you make your way to the main chamber, you are stopped in your tracks by a patrol group! Find the Entrance. Defeat the Seraphims.

天使之怒 Archangels Wrath
You finally make it to the main chamber and up above you can see a majestic angel floating above. It seems she is unaware of your presence but suddenly she starts to descend towards the chamber floor and stares at you with her piercing eyes. 

阿茲莉兒:我早料到你最後還是會來到天上界。差別只在於你什麼時候想明白了而已。不過我很驚訝你這麼快就跟著梅菲斯特穿越了不死邊界和地底世界,也不想想巴萊里亞會有多麼脆弱。Azriel: I was expecting you would eventually make your appearance in the Kingdom of Heaven. I suppose it was only a matter of time until you figured out. I was surprised that you were so quick to follow Mephistopheles through the Undead Realm and Underworld without even thinking of how vulnerable Valeria would be. 

You: Who are you and why are you doing this? What is your connection to Mephistopheles? 

阿茲莉兒:請原諒我的失禮。吾乃怒天使阿茲莉兒。如果你真心的想知道答案,就與我一戰並擊敗我,如果你有能耐的話!Azriel: I apologize for being rude. I am Azriel, the Angel of Wrath. If you truly want answers, fight me and defeat me if you can!

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阿茲莉兒高舉她的神劍由上方俯衝而下。她朝你飛行時令人著迷的速度及優雅一瞬間讓你失了神,差點就來不及抵擋她的攻擊。你剛用一滾急閃開,阿茲莉兒就又開始對你發動一連串的攻擊。你幾乎完全無法招架她的攻擊。她的劍刃劃破皮膚的同時,一種你從來沒體驗過的灼熱疼痛強襲而來讓你呼吸一滯。Azriels的劍刃想必注入了某種魔法。你掙扎著試著站穩腳步,但是身體還沒完全恢復,阿茲莉兒又攻來了。阿茲莉兒開始吟唱咒文,四週覆蓋起一陣藍色的光芒。她揮手往你的方向一指,整個地面開始劇烈搖晃,猶如將爆發前的火山。整個大廳好像馬上要隨之崩壞。Azriel swoops down from above with her mighty sword raised high. You are so mesmerized by the gracefulness of her flight and the speed at which she closes in on you that you barely have time to dodge her strike. As you roll out of the way and dodge the strike, Azriel is already on you unleashing a flurry of strikes. You are only able to parry a few of her strikes. As her blade breaks skin, a searing pain unlike any you have felt before shoots up your sides and takes your breath away. Azriels blade must be infused with some sort of magical energy. You struggle to stand on your feet but before you have a chance to fully recover, Azriel is again on you. This time Azriel begins to cast a spell and is surrounded by a shining blue light. She waves her hand in your direction and the ground begins to shake violently as if a volcano was about to erupt. The chamber itself feels like it is about to collapse on itself. 

突然,王者之劍開始發光,那陣光芒很類似你打開通往天上界通路時發出的那種光芒。你感覺到一股力量穿過你的血脈。Azriels造成的傷口帶來的疼痛立刻平息了,你又能清晰地思考,專心應付眼前的情況。感覺阿茲莉兒的速度似乎也慢了下來。阿茲莉兒再次舉劍攻擊。這一次,你舉起王者之劍輕鬆擋下。王者之劍如遇無物的砍斷了Azriels的劍刃。阿茲莉兒用盡全力迴身閃避你的攻擊,但王者之劍還是俐落地刺進她的側身。阿茲莉兒按住側腹痛苦地慘叫,她開始大量失血,面上逐漸失去血色Suddenly, Excalibur starts to glow, similar to when you opened the pathway to the Kingdom of Heaven. You feel power course through your veins. The searing pain from Azriels wounds instantly subside and you are able to think clearly and focus on the matter at hand. Azriel herself seems to have slowed. Azriel again raises her sword for a strike. This time you raise Excalibur to easily block the strike. Excalibur cuts through Azriels blade as if it were not there. Azriel does her best to avoid your weapon as she twists away but Excalibur runs cleanly through her side. Azriel yelps in pain and grabs her side. She begins to bleed profusely and starts to lose the color from her face. 
Azriel: "Impossible! No man-made weapon should be able to hurt an Archangel as myself. Only weapons forged from the Light or the Darkness would be able to harm archangels… 
You: "I do not want to kill you! But you will force my hand if you do not tell me what your involvement with Mephistopheles is!" 
Azriel: "As I promised, upon my defeat, I would divulge my reasons. Eons ago, when the continent of Valeria had just been born, there was a time of peace. The Creator was responsible for maintaining that peace. I admired the Creator for its fairness, its wisdom, and all its glory. Then on the fateful day, the Creator just decided to leave. Before the Creator left, it charged me with the responsibility to maintain that peace. I watched over everything and did my best to maintain that peace. As time passed, it became apparent to me that all individuals are greedy and thirst for power. Conflicts arise, wars break out. Pain and suffering are inevitable. Why should I prolong the inevitable suffering? Why not end all this suffering? My efforts to maintain peace were meaningless. 

跨過這些時光,我終於暸解到梅菲斯特的計劃和我是一樣的; 結束這場磨難。“Over time, I realized that the intentions of Mephistopheles were the same as my own; to end the suffering. " 

You: "Is that your answer? If it is, you are nothing but a selfish fool! Your actions are no different than a cowards. Mephistopheles is able to see the hatred within yourself and exploit it. Mephistopheles is using you as a puppet. Mephistopheles only wishes to rule over this world and cause more suffering. Although you may have given up hope, I will find a way. I will still continue to fight and break the cycle of suffering." 
阿茲莉兒:“人類的生命與吾輩相比不過剎那。如果你有像我一樣長久的生命,你終會認清付出的都是徒勞的努力。我對這個世界已經沒有留戀了,我已有接受命運的準備...。“Azriel: "The life of a human is but a fleeting moment for beings such as us. If you have lived as long as I have, you would come to realize the futility of your efforts. I have no more attachment to this world and am ready to accept my fate…." 

當你緊握著王者之劍走向阿茲莉兒時汗水自你的額頭滑下。你並不希望用這種方式結束。突然,大廳開始震動。剛才Azriels的魔法已經損壞了地基。看來,要完全崩潰了。正當你往出口奔跑時,你瞥見地面的裂縫吞噬了阿茲莉兒。阿茲莉兒消失了 ...As you walk towards Azriel with Excalibur grasped firmly between your hands, the sweat rolls down your forehead. You wish it did not have to end this way. Then suddenly, the chamber begins to shake. The foundation must have been damaged from Azriels spell. It looks as its about to completely collapse. As you are running towards the exit, you catch a glimpse of the ground swallowing up Azriel into a fissure. Azriel is gone... 

With Azriel now gone, you are sure the Kingdom of Heaven and possibly the rest of the world will be thrown into disarray. Your only hope is to find Mephistopheles as soon as possible and end this conflict.





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