stone_giant_large.jpgCastle Age 堡壘世紀 第二大關Land of Earth 土之王國 任務劇情翻譯

BOSS是 Colossus of Terra,泰倫巨人,其實大家都叫他石巨人啦~
TERRA在許多神話中都是土的意思,所以兵馬俑也翻作 Terra Cotta Warriors 意思就是陶土做的戰士





這是塊充滿騎士及騎士精神的土地。偉大的聖騎士國王大流士是土地的保護者,但他的力量正在減弱中。一直有傳言流傳著,黑暗勢力正在東部邊界增長。大流士的軍隊士氣低落,因為他們明白勝利是不可能的。Land of Knights and Chivalry. The Great Paladin King Darius protects these lands, but his strength is faltering. All the while, there are whispers of a dark force growing outside the Eastern Borders. The spirit of Darius's army is weak and their morale is low because they understand that there can be no victory.

原來大流士是國王啊!!! 白髮大叔是有來頭的呢?


Yet there may still be hope. Within the Land of Earth lies an ancient temple rumored to hold the Crystal of Earth. The mystical power of this crystal may be enough to turn the tide of war. Find your way to this temple and retrieve the Crystal.


quest_back_6.jpg 泰倫之梯 The Stairs of Terra
Earth Trolls dwell besides the stone stairs of Terra. They are the guardians and wardens of the land and part of the reason why Terra is so isolated. To continue forward, you must defeat these giant Earthen Trolls.


quest_back_7.jpg 橫跨鴻溝 Crossing the Chasm
A giant chasm lies between you and the path. There seems to be no other way but going underneath. There have been stories of legions of undead hiding in these chasms.


禁忌之森 The Forbidden Forest
ou are in the forest of the Tree Gods, a race of giant ents capable of smashing armies with a single foot. As you continue ahead, you see the toe of a tree god blocking your way. You must fight your way through!


quest_back_9.jpg 維蘇威瞭望台 Vesuv Lookout
You reach your first big checkpoint- The Vesuv Lookout. From here you can see many miles ahead. You make out the path to the Water Temple of Power but you also spot several raiders in the way.


quest_back_10.jpg 水之神殿 The Water Temple
This is one of several temples built in the ancient past to hide the location of the Holy Symbol. The symbol does not reside here, but clues take you underneath the temple, through an underground river where you must battle water demons.


eq_holyavenger.jpg 大地的禮物Gift of Earth
To restore a troubled land, you journey to an ancient temple. There is a myth that this temple is also the resting place of a holy weapon, a blade sheathed in stone and forgotten through the ages...



在深谷底部,一個龐大的巨人擋在你與殿門之間 ...

At the bottom of a deep gorge, a colossal giant stands between you and the temple gate...
Celesta: Have faith commander! To restore this land, we must defeat him to obtain the Earth Crystal! 

Stone Guardian: The power within this temple shall not fall into the mortal hands!

接下來一段時間,十分激烈的戰鬥持續著沒有結束的跡象 ...

The ensuing battle rages for some time with no sign of end... 
With a roar of frustration, the giant stomps the ground and turns toward you! A swipe from the giant's hulking sword barely misses you and crashes to the ground. Immediately a bright blast from Celesta's direction explodes against the giant and he is momentarily stunned. You seize this moment to jump on the giant's blade and climb up his arm.

Your army presses forward! However, their blows are ineffective, and the giant is angry. He recovers and readies for another strike. It is too late. You have reached his head and deliver the finishing blow. The giant tumbles to the floor and the path to the temple lies before you.

earth_crystal.gif 你擊敗了石巨人,並尋獲了土之水晶。是時候踏上霧之王國去尋找空之水晶了。
You have defeated the Stone Giant and already claimed the Crystal of Earth. Now it is time to journey to the Land of Mist and search for the Crystal of Air.


這章不長,早期的故事還是可以發現CA原本想要把玩家名字代進去的野心 XD

Led by your friends, (Summoner) and (Other Player), your army presses forward! However, their blows are ineffective, and the giant is angry. He recovers and readies for another strike.

還有暗月是不專業翻譯,有翻錯請務必告訴我啊 XD



所以許多的ACG都有那種" 主角 " 才拔的出來的劍,代表這個人是被撿選的,就是從亞瑟王的故事來的亞瑟王傳說


感謝 Shih Aganirok 提供的線索
石頭怪的故事,好像是來自猶太教的民間故事,叫做 Golem 的泥偶
身上的字是 emeth(真理)塗掉第一個字母,就會變成 meth(死亡)

今天看完鋼鐵人...覺得和石巨人長好像 XD


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